Sometimes one has the feeling that political and journalistic elites are part of a European Apocalypse industry. Just in time for the start of the German presidency of the EU to outbid each other in the end of the world scenarios. Gerhard Schröder speaks of the “disintegration of Europe” – George Soros from the “work-in-progress Union,” the death may Schwächetod. Also Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte fears that you had to write off Europe: “Everyone does their own thing.” If that happens, twitches of the Polish members of the European Parliament Zdzisław Krasnodębski fatalistic shoulders, “will arise on the ruins of the European Union something New”.

But nothing is without its opposite true, has Martin Walser taught us. I would therefore like to them – out of desire to counter-speech – a hand of five solid reasons why this European Union never

will break: in the first place. pandemic and climate debate have shown that national borders provide no protection against viruses, global warming and a stock market crash. Policy co-ordination in a networked world, neither to the left nor to the right, but reasonable. Who tried out of this network of international agreements and, of course, from dependencies to get off, lands in no-man’s land. This is also why the national populist parties in Europe are far to the sink. Measured at their respective highs of the earlier National Front (now in power, the Rassemblement National) is 18.2, the AfD 8.5 and the rights Lega 8.1 percent have lost. Gabor Steingart-To-Person

Gabor Steingart is one of the most famous journalists in the country. He is editor of the Newsletter “Steingarts Morning Briefing”. The eponymous Podcast is Germany’s leading Daily Podcast for politics and the economy. In the spring of 2020 Steingart moves in with his editorial on the editorial ship “Pioneer One”. Prior to founding Media Pioneer was Steingart Chairman of the Board of management of the Handelsblatt Media Group.

Be free Morning Briefing, you can find here:

Germans have arranged long ago with its role as paymaster and surety

Secondly. The money from the printing press of the ECB is the glue that holds Europe together. An advantage of the state financing through the printing press in any case, In the South of Europe a pecuniary primed dependency, the caps may not even the most populist government in Italy, Spain, Portugal or Greece will ever arises. Without the cash infusion from the ECB and EU-Commission of the European South cannot survive. At night, the national Pathos reigns, but for the morning Espresso, you need the German Guarantor. Gabor Steingart

Thirdly. Also, the Germans have arranged long ago with its role as paymaster and surety. The choice of money or a pain between the governing Fantasy tax increase, white the brave citizen, to decide wisely. Europe can rely on the Germans. You will be forever grumbling and never revolt. The European bill is already transferred to the yet to be born children. It is the presence of live. Gabor Steingart

The new Voltaire is Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, Merkel is hatched in the role of the Old Fritz

Fourthly. Germany takes over in this new normal the role of a gentle Hegemon, combining its economic interests with political silence. The German economy, which has sold in the past year, Goods and services to the value of 1.3 trillion euros, and in the same period, other Nations Goods and services in the value of 1.1 trillion, has decreased Euro, is the great profiteer. Alone, exports to the value of 777 billion euros went to the EU. The power of humility. Gabor Steingart

Fifthly. To the German gain is not so is evident, leaving to the French the political stage, that is, the place where today visions, such as colorful glass beads are traded. Germany draws, France thinks. That was the division of labor at the Prussian court of Frederick the great, the counsel of Voltaire, and inspired.

The new Voltaire Emmanuel Macron is, meanwhile, Merkel is hatched in the role of the Old Fritz. Also you are expected from the rest of Europe, everything, just no thanks. Or to say like the Old Fritz used: “The man who builds the violin, thanks alone to the sound.”

conclusion: On this great European masquerade ball, where the feelings of dancing with the interests of the Tango, is Angela Merkel, currently the Dancing Queen. The art of leadership lies precisely in the fact that it looks neither to the art nor to leadership. Can you describe your leadership style as a pragmatic, opportunistic or benevolent – as a rhythmic realism. “Economy”-the chief: economy is at best at the beginning of 2022 to pre-crisis levels FOCUS Online “economy”-the chief: economy is at best at the beginning of 2022 to pre-crisis levels

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