the political life of The leaders of the world seems to return to normal. Russia will invite the president of france Emmanuel Macron at the grand parade commemorating the victory against nazi Germany, held on 24 June in Moscow after having been postponed because of the sars coronavirus, said on Thursday a head of Russian diplomacy.

“new invitations will be sent to all the participants [of the parade] in the past, including the president of the French Republic,” said Alexei Paramonov, a top official of the Russian ministry of foreign Affairs, in an interview with the news agency Ria-Novosti. Previously, the French president had expressed his intention to attend the parade on the Red square on may 9 for the 75 years of the victory of the Allies against Hitler. The chinese leader Xi Jinping was also part of those to attend the parade.

also Read “Putin saw the postponement of the celebrations of the 9 may as a sacrifice”

More than 370, 000 cases of coronavirus in Russia

Large-mass patriotic illustrating each year Russian military power, the parade had been postponed because of the outbreak of coronavirus and replaced by commemorations much more modest. In early may, the Russian had complained more than 10 000 new infections daily, while the inhabitants of the major part of its territory remained confined to their homes. But the growth in the number of new cases has since stabilized and the authorities have begun the may 12, a déconfinement careful.

Moscow city hall announced on Wednesday that the lifting on June 1 of several restrictions imposed in the last two months. Estimating the peak of the epidemic passed, the Russian president Vladimir Putin announced Tuesday the held on June 24, the parade of the victory. According to the latest figures released on Thursday, Russia has 379 051 cases of coronavirus proven and 4 deaths of 142 people.

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