According to expert estimates, the schools in Germany are still facing a very long dry spell in terms of staff. “The problem of the shortage of teachers will in all likelihood persist for the next 20 years,” says a statement by educational scientists for the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) presented on Friday. The shortage threatens the security of teaching and also affects the quality of teaching. The paper makes suggestions for easing the situation in the short to medium term. Some of these are already being implemented in the federal states.
Among other things, the commission recommends steps to win back teachers after retirement or to keep teachers employed beyond the age limit. The experts are also in favor of limiting the opportunities for part-time work. According to the scientists, a temporary increase in the teaching hours of teachers per week should also be examined – with financial compensation or compensation through less working hours in later years. It also recommends testing hybrid teaching in high schools and better recognition of the qualifications of teachers from abroad.
The commission based at the KMK, which regularly makes recommendations for education policy, is aware, in its own words, that its proposals “entail an additional burden for teachers”. “Therefore, the measures proposed here must be limited in time,” it says. However, the committee also warns: All actors in the school system must be aware that society is facing a historic challenge that requires great effort. One of the reasons given for the shortage of teachers is demographic trends: “There are significant waves of retirement, but there are small birth cohorts from which student teachers can be recruited.”