Italy is serious: from today you have to show the “Green Pass” between Bolzano and Palermo if you want to enter a restaurant, bars, museums, spas and sports facilities. The government has also put thumbscrews on teachers and lecturers to enforce more vaccinations. Those who cannot prove a complete vaccination with the “Green Pass” are not allowed to teach. After five days there is no more money. “With the’ Green Pass’, we want to enhance the importance of vaccinations and thus come better into the autumn, ” said Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mario Draghi following a meeting in Rome. And he continued with a sports comparison popular with the Italians: “With the vaccinations, we can bring about the decisive change in the current game.”

With the” Green Pass”, which proves a complete vaccination or a surviving corona disease in an app or as a document, the Italians do not want to wait until a European vaccination card is introduced. Those who do not comply with the regulations face draconian penalties of between 400 and 1000 euros. If companies are caught several times, a closure of ten days follows. According to Health Secretary Andrea Costa, the app has already been downloaded 53 million times.

Teachers without a “Green pass” do not receive a salary

Exceptions apply to people who can not get a vaccination. But the residents of San Marino also have a free ticket. In the small state, the Russian Sputnik was vaccinated, which has not yet been released by the European Health Agency EMA. But for the Italian teaching staff, Rome has declared a comprehensive vaccination obligation” to be able to ensure the mission of education”: those who do not teach because of the lack of a’ green pass ‘ are absent without excuse. Then the salary payment is stopped. Students must also be vaccinated in order to enter the universities. A comprehensive mask requirement has been issued for students. Internet faster and more flexible than ever thanks to o2 Homespot (ad) Now from € 14.99 per month

With this decision, Prime Minister Mario Draghi has prevailed against the co-ruling ultra-right Lega. “Things are going as Super Mario wants, “commented the daily” Mattino ” from Bari. And the premier already announced further measures on Thursday evening. Already on September 1, the next tightening comes into force: Without a health app, no planes, ferries and long-distance trains and buses may be used. “We have acted courageously and we want to continue on this path with determination,” said the head of government in Rome. So they have already procured vaccine for a third round.

Tourists must provide proof of vaccination and register

Proof of vaccination also applies to tourists. All persons entering the country must report their arrival to the competent authorities by registering on the European Passenger Locator Form portal,“ the Italian Embassy says on its website. During checks, this registration confirmation can be presented digitally on the smartphone or printed out in paper form. The registration is mandatory for all adult persons arriving from abroad: Accompanying minor children can be registered via the adult accompanying person.


The government’s tough stance in Rome is not universally approved. In several cities, anti-vaccination protesters protested against the measures now being implemented. In Rome, a place was devastated, whose owner had demanded a “Green Pass”. “Fatta la legge, trovato l’inganno-with the law comes fraud,” is an Italian proverb. And in fact, false apps are already circulating on the net to circumvent the vaccination. This can result in penalties between 1500 euros and several years of imprisonment for buyers and traders, warns the tax police “Guardia di Finanza”. Time-lapse function on Google Earth shows: How Earth changes due to climate change FOCUS Online Time-lapse function on Google Earth shows: How Earth changes due to climate change

The original to this post “Draghi’s draconian corona recipe for teachers: Without vaccination there is no salary” comes from The European.