the facts-ignorance, “Fake News” and “chaotic approach”: Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama supports Democrat Joe Biden, at his first campaign event – and-forth over the US President.

Democrat Joe Biden is supported by Ex-US President Barack Obama in the US election. The predecessor of Donald Trump uses the Chance to hand out against his successor . Again it avoided Obama to call him criticized the Republicans by name.

Washington – Since then, Donald Trump in the US, the President has taken, are the Republicans in Power. In November, the next election instead of*, and for the Democrats it comes to bowling, the polarizing head of state from his throne.

While Trump had done a few days ago, a for a number of reasons controversial appearance in Tulsa, has now also rival Joe Biden his first election campaign while Corona . Was supported by the 77-Year-old by no Less than Barack Obama , his campaign aides and the predecessor of Trump. As already in April, the predecessor took the opportunity to fulminate against the 74-year-old US-President and its party political home.

Obama on Trump: “facts and science have no role to play”

So Ex-US President Obama according to media reports, during a campaign appearance by Biden by Video-Unlock the Trump criticized the government sharply. The difference compared to his speech in the spring of 2020: this Time, the appeal related to the content on the unrest in the Wake of the death of George Floyd*. The White house of the past few years was “the foundations of who we are and who we should be”, citing US media.

It was the first joint campaign event with Biden in the year 2020. The Trump-government suggest that “facts play no role that science plays no role” and that it was a deadly disease in order to “Fake News,” said the 58-Year-old about the handling of the Corona-pandemic . The country has the world record for the most deaths with Covid-19 to.

Barack Obama speaks about the death of George Floyd and division in the USA

The White house in Washington, D.C. promotes the societal divide and consider some people as “more real” Americans, so Obama . Donald Trump* and other representatives of the government, he is not called by name. For weeks it comes in many U.S. cities to demonstrations against police violence, racism and social injustice. The trigger for the protests was the death of George Floyd, an African-American who, after a violent police died use*.

Among the people, especially the younger ones, there is now a great awakening , so Obama. You have not only enough “from the chaotic, unorganized and malicious approach to the governance that we have experienced in the last few years, but now challenges this country has faced for centuries”.

Obama took out also, indirectly, justice Minister, William Barr to the visor. The White house, see the Ministry of justice as merely “an Arm for the personal concerns of the U.S. President,” said the 58-Year-old. Barr had provided in connection with the forced resignation of the prominent attorney Geoffrey Berman for the headlines.

U.S. presidential election of 2020: Obama supports Democrat Joe Biden

meanwhile, the brother of Donald Trump want to stop a tell-all book about the US President’s family:

At the conclusion of the video unlock Obama of his former Vice-President, Joe Biden,* with the words: “I love you, Joe said goodbye”. Then he answered I: “‘ love you, too, buddy.” To the event view, you had to donate any amount. More than 7.6 million US dollars (about 6.7 million Euro) came together allegedly. (PF dpa)

* an offer of the Federal-wide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network