Born in Madrid, 57 years ago, Dolores Delgado he spent 25 years in the National Audience before joining the first Executive of Pedro Sanchez. During his time in this body, which he joined in 1993, the former minister devoted the greater part of his time to the fight against terrorism. Before joining the Government that came out of the motion of censure was the fiscal coordinator of the fight against jihadist terrorism. Sanchez reported last Friday to Thin not to continue to the front of the portfolio of Justice, which has taken this Monday, the socialist Juan Carlos Field, a career judge. The Government has proposed new attorney general of the State.

Its main purpose, presumably, it will set the position of the Public prosecutor at the derived judicial procés. When I was minister of Justice, the attorney General of the State, which depends on the Government, accused the pro-independence leaders for sedition, criminal who ended up imposing on the judgment, against the tough stand of the Prosecution, who claimed unsuccessfully that they were denounced by rebellion. Now, with Delgado on the front, the Prosecution may modulate their position in relation to those already convicted or on the rest of causes related to independence that are pending.


The minister of Justice on the exhumation of Franco: “it Has been very exciting. It is a historic day,” Francis Franco: “Fight the exhumation against a Government and the BOE is impossible”

With Dolores Delgado to the front of Justice, the Government, with the support of the three powers —executive, legislative, and judicial—, to exhume the remains of dictator Francisco Franco from the Valley of the Fallen last October. In the event you had to attend in person, gave faith as a notary greater of the kingdom. Punctuated by the case Villarejo, Delgado was defined in its inauguration in July of 2018 as a “fiscal trench” and promised to be a “minister of trench”. During the year and a half of term focused on the international cooperation and the advancement of the digitalisation of the justice.

Has experience in the International Criminal Court, where he served as a prosecutor from 2011 and prepared the documentation of the arrest warrant against the late libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi to try him for crimes against humanity. Defender of Universal Justice —strongly criticized the limits to the judicial investigations approved by the Government of Mariano Rajoy, was the prosecutor who obtained the first conviction in Spain for crimes against humanity, of an ex military man argentine Adolfo Scilingo.

During the past few months, the Ministry has directed he has carried out numerous acts to “pull out of the pit of the lack of memory”, as Delgado explained, the republican exile, on the occasion of her 80th birthday. It has also been focused on the repair and recovery of the dignity of the victims of the dictatorship. All this in the context of the General Direction of the Historical Memory, which has depended on your department and who now happens to be in the hands of the vice-president Carmen Calvo under the name of Memoria Democrática. With its creation has given impulse to initiatives related with the Historical Memory Law of 2007, which marked as the main challenge to locate and exhume the remains of Francisco Franco from the Valley of the Fallen.

His beginnings in the Ministry of Justice were harmed after the release, two months after taking possession of some recordings of a conversation that took place in 2009 in the restaurant Rianxo Madrid, between the commissioner retired Jose Manuel Villarejo (in provisional detention from two years ago), and Delgado, who came to the meeting accompanied by the exjuez de la Audiencia Nacional Baltasar Garzón to celebrate the medal of merit that had been awarded to the former. Delgado said that the audios posted were manipulated, as they were “pieces overlapping, positions, and glued” and denied having had any “appointment in any professional aspect” with the excomisario.

These facts were added to the charges received for its alleged neglect of the judge of the Supreme Paul Llarena, instructor of the cause of the procés in the civil lawsuit filed by the expresident of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont against him before the belgian justice. Both the Congress and the Senate failed to the minister, who also accused him of urging the State attorney to dismiss the rebellion in the indictment against the pro-independence leaders in prison for his role in the procés. The legal services of the State accused the promoters of the procés of sedition, and finally the Supreme Court convicted for this crime.

During these months, Delgado also had to cope with the demands of wage labour and of the associations of judges and prosecutors, that she herself championed as a member of the Progressive Union of Prosecutors in the Fiscal Council —an advisory body to the ministry public— against the ministerial team led by Rafael Catalá. Already at the forefront of the negotiations as a minister, these groups decided to make a strike. The tension is relieved once that was approved the reform of the Organic Law of the Judicial Power (LOPJ), in which were included some of the claims of the associations on labour rights, permissions and licenses that judges and prosecutors have been recovered, as well as the requirement of criteria of merit, ability, and parity in the appointments of senior positions in the Supreme Court, National court and Superior Courts of Justice, whose jurisdiction is the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).