A study of racist police controls, not Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). At least not now. Seehofer wool be no new trial in order, before the already agreed with the länder and measures against right-wing extremism and racism be implemented, said the spokesman of the interior Ministry, Steve age, on Monday in Berlin.

He referred, among other things, on a planned location of the image to create a at the protection of the Constitution, created a new Central office for the investigation of right-wing extremist activities in the public service.

Seehofer wants that “new measures will be added to”

The originally already for this spring-announced picture of the situation will now be available only after the parliamentary summer break. It is only the security agencies will include, according to information from the Ministry of the interior first, then later the whole of the public service. The spokesman said Seehofer wool, that “new measures will be added, without the old have already been able to grab”.

Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht (SPD) wants to hold on to, in contrast to Seehofer, but to an originally planned study of so-called Racial Profiling in the police Department. Of Racial Profiling is when people are controlled because of their skin color, hair color or other external characteristics, but without a specific occasion. The study had been recommended by the European Commission against racism and intolerance (ECRI) in its latest report on Germany.

Seibert: Discriminatory investigation methods will be emphasized “is neither practiced nor taught”

government spokesman Steffen Seibert, it was now already so that discriminatory intelligence methods in Germany “are unlawful, and is neither practiced nor taught”. Where there is a complaint of discrimination, must be respectively followed up.

The acting head of the Federal anti-discrimination Agency, Bernhard Franke, said: “The Federal Minister of the interior grants an important Chance appropriate cases in the police Department to evaluate and conduct basic research.”

Frank continued: “The claim that it is the practice practical and you do not need to be explored, therefore, is little sound – also because in Germany there is no comprehensive complaint in-ceiling structures such as an independent police officer.” Amnesty International Germany, said that an independent investigation into institutional racism in the police is overdue.

question: Is it in Germany, structural racism?

the national conference of The migrant organisations announced that she wanted to accompany in spring-established the Cabinet Committee to combat right-wing extremism and racism in his work “critical”. To do this, you have set up a “monitoring Committee”. In order to develop effective measures need to be taken into account “the expertise of people who are affected by racism”, called for in the national conference organized associations.

in Dispute is the question of where in Germany there is institutional racism and how this makes sense combat could be, among other things. Among the members of the monitoring Committee, among other things, Farhad Dilmaghani of English plus, Ferda Ataman (New German organisations) and the Director of the Federal immigration and integration Council, Deniz Nergiz. The monitoring Committee, said: “We call on the Federal Minister of the interior Seehofer, the proposed study to Racial Profiling and racism in the police.” That would be an important Signal for future good cooperation with the Cabinet Committee.

The Cabinet Committee, among other things, Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) and the Chancellery chief Helge Braun (CDU) are. He had issued in may a preliminary report.

With the rule of three can, according to Harvard University each slimming PCP With the rule of three can, according to Harvard University each slimming
