” France must remain faithful to its tradition of hospitality. But for that it retains all its meaning, we must act with firmness when it is necessary. “This is the message that wants to pass Gérald Darmanin to the prefects. In an e-mail which is addressed to them and that it shared on Twitter, the minister of the Interior asks them to ” enforce the law strictly, and to renew systematically, in their countries, foreigners who, by their actions, constitute a serious threat to public order “.

” I ask you to consistently implement procedures to even stop in the shortest possible time, the presence of these people on our territory “, wrote the minister of the Interior, who asked the prefects are accountable to him “personally” in the number of renewals each quarter. In this letter, written four days after the attack on the chopper that was perpetrated by a pakistani national in front of the former premises of Charlie Hebdo, the minister made reference to “recent events” that ” must invite you to the greatest vigilance “.

“Policy number”

the alleged perpetrator of The attack was not known to the services specialized and had lied about his age in order to benefit from the support given to the minor on his arrival in France in 2018. The minister encouraged the prefects to focus on three ” levers “. First a “close coordination” between “security forces”, the term “judicial authority” or “prison service” to ” prepare for the removal of aliens incarcerated with all the necessary anticipation “. It also asks for a ” full implementation and systematic of all the relevant administrative procedures “, recalling that the “current law” allows you to make “refusal or withdrawal of title” or even ” French nationality “. Finally, he wants to see them use “all the operational tools” to perform these “removals” of ” retention “, “assignment” or ” participation in joint flights “.

also Read : Safety and Macron rose from the dead in “the right order” !

“We are currently thinking on the legislative provisions that we might take in the next few months in order to facilitate certain procedures,” writes Gérald Darmanin. “You give me account on a quarterly basis and personally for the evictions […] to which you have made “, added the minister. Gérald Darmanin has been recently accused by the police union Alliance of wanting to return to the “political figure” in the fight against drugs, in reference to the security policy carried out by Nicolas Sarkozy when he was Interior minister.

writing will advise you

Security, terrorism, the presumption of innocence… Gérald Darmanin said Cotta – Why Darmanin can’t get out of the lot