Despite the currently difficult situation at the front, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has shown himself confident of victory against the Russian attackers. “2023 must and will definitely be the year of our victory!” Zelenskyy wrote on Telegram on Sunday. In his video speech every evening, he also conceded, with a view to the hard-fought east of his country: “The situation is very tough.” In the Donetsk region, the cities of Bakhmut and Wuhledar in particular are still exposed to constant Russian shelling. Despite high losses in their own ranks, the Russians did not reduce the intensity of their attacks there.
“Russia hopes to prolong the war and exhaust our forces,” said Zelenskyy. “So we must make time our weapon. We must hasten events.” In particular, the speed of delivery of foreign military aid is a key factor in this war, the Ukrainian leader stressed. He also insisted once again on further arms deliveries beyond the main battle tanks recently promised by the West.