The upcoming weekend is for the Swedes as big as Christmas, The country celebrates Midsummer, the longest days of the year, grilling, drinking and swimming in one of the Thousands of lakes. In time, the government has relaxed the travel advice. So far, you asked the population, you may, if you please, unnecessary trips leave.

Now, people may again be officially over long distances to visit. There is little else you can also have to stay in the domestic, the way South is blocked by The bridge over the Øresund to Copenhagen, Denmark, is an insurmountable obstacle. The Danes are the Scandinavian brother, people are not let into the country. dpa “Midsommar” in Sweden: Traditionally, many people celebrate the summer solstice

In the process, Ylva Johansson, former Minister of labour, recommended however, in the social democratic government in Stockholm, and now Commissioner for home Affairs, in Brussels, the EU countries, your borders in the face of a case of Corona infection numbers as of this week to re-open. However, the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said, “nej, tak!”

The Swedes must be outside the

will The Germans be allowed to enter since Monday, back to Denmark, but the Swedes have to stay outside, for the time being, until 31. August. In Munich, Prime Minister Markus Söder said on Tuesday the termination of the three-month disaster if, in Bavaria: “Corona remains absolutely fatal. Caution is the only real therapy. A different strategy has increased the number of deaths enormously.“ The Figures in Sweden showed that the Bavarian approach was the right one.

for Months, the world looked amazed to Sweden, and its “exceptionalism” – without Lockdown, without closure of the primary schools, with open bars. All of the Corona-limitations should be based on insight and voluntary participation of the citizens. In the meantime, the state epidemiologist was Anders Tegnell a Star, young people could be likeness in the skin stinging.

but the Swedes are going with their strategy in the wrong, is a current map of Europe of the Robert Koch Institute suggest. All the countries are decorated in yellow and orange tones – a sign of a relatively low level of new infections are among a number in proportion to the population. Only one country is shown in signal red colour: Sweden has experienced in the past seven days, cumulatively more than 50 cases per 100,000 Neuinfizierte to – which is why the Federation and the Länder issue a quarantine recommendation for travellers from Sweden to Germany. The Foreign office writes: “not necessary, particularly tourist travel to Sweden will continue to be warned.”

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“Closed borders create deep wounds”

Sweden Has become from the smart Nerd, the outcast, and is bullied by others in the European class? So anyway, the government sees the: “Closed borders create deep wounds,” said Sweden’s foreign Minister, Ann Linde, “and I’m concerned about how long we’ll have them”. The border closures affected commuters, the economy as a whole and the cooperation in the health sector. It was noted that the Corona-cases became more frequent, especially in far-away Stockholm, while the southern province of Scania rates, lower infection, as Denmark had. The mayor of South province capital city of Malmö hopes, therefore, on regional solutions with Denmark – in vain.

On Wednesday afternoon, the health authority announced that now 5041 people with Covid-died 19. The are 485 Deaths per Million inhabitants, and almost five times as much as in Denmark (103 Deaths per Million inhabitants) and Germany (106). These Figures are why the Opposition finished the castle a week ago, after a survey showed a change in sentiment in the population suspect: Found in may, 63 percent of Sweden, the crisis management of the red-green minority government is good or even very good, the decline in these Numbers in the first week of June to 45 percent.

Jimmie Åkesson, the leader of the right-wing populist Sverigedemokraterna called for the resignation of Prime Minister Löfven. Ebba Busch, Chairman of the Kristdemokraterna, lost accused the government of even that many people on a loved one, only because they would have allowed infection intentionally.

Prime Minister Löfven to justify one’s own actions

Prime Minister Löfven defends itself with well-known arguments, most recently on Sunday in a television interview: The strategy was basically correct. The many deaths were to complain, especially in the elderly. This was to be reformed. It was in the middle of the pandemic. Might be attributed to last. dpa, Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden

And the map of Europe by the German Robert Koch Institute with the signal red Sweden was misleading. The number of new cases in the statistics are due to the fact that you can find the newly a lot more testing, and therefore more infections. Indeed, the number of Corona declining patients in the hospitals and the deaths as well. In mid-April, there were each day, around 100 Corona-Dead. Now, every day, about 40 victims.

With the pandemic, the scissors

In Gothenburg opens, the German emigrant, Christiane Edberg, 43, in the bakery, “Cum Pane”, the supplied screw their customers with organic sourdough bread and cinnamon. With many of the daily 150 customers, they hold a chat, says the managing Director. Of course there was a lot of Corona. “I haven’t noticed any change in mood,” says Edberg. Nobody go on about the Corona-policy of the government. “I have the impression that the people behind the strategy.” How is this explained? “The government makes it clear that you can keeps the citizens for coming-of-age and on their own responsibility, and pay tribute to the Sweden still,” says Edberg.

opinion polls to support their evaluation. At the beginning of March, the ruling social Democrats and the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats were, according to the EU-Politico magazine neck and neck at 24 percent approval. But with the pandemic, the scissors are opened. The social Democrats climbed to the end of may to 32 percent. After the criticism of the Corona at the onset of strategy would be in mid-June, still 30% vote for the leading party in government. The right-wing populists remain under 20 percent slopes.

Edberg lives on a rocky island in the archipelago prior to Gothenburg. For Midsummer, she expected friends from the nearly 500 kilometers away in Stockholm, she has not seen for a long time. You wanted to sit in the garden, swimming in the archipelago shore, it was a walk of 15 minutes: Actually, everything is as always. “It’s good that the government has relaxed the travel recommendation, otherwise, the friends of self-responsibility would not come,” says Edberg.

state epidemiologist Tegnell appeals, to avoid larger gatherings

state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell appeals, meanwhile, to the Midsummer festival which is now officially allowed to desire to travel responsibility to live fully. For example, you should not use any public transport such as trams or city buses, where the number of passengers won’t place a reservation limit. Also, you should avoid large gatherings if possible, such as Baptisms or funerals: “For at-risk groups, it is particularly important to follow the advice.” imago images/TT The Swedish Staatsempidemiologe Anders Tegnell

Traditionally, the people of lichen on a Midsummer wreaths of flowers. Previously, you dried it, to insert it in the Winter in the bath water. According to the old people’s flowers, which are picked in the dew of a Midsummer morning, almost all diseases can cure faith. But this legend was in front of Corona. You could try me: That would be another Swedish exceptionalism.

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