Almost two thirds of Germans are currently not worried about contracting the corona virus. In a survey by the polling institute YouGov, 30 percent said they were concerned about infection. 63 percent of respondents do not have this concern. 7 percent did not provide any information. The survey did not reveal any significant differences in the answers between the age groups.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the number of corona cases in Germany is currently falling somewhat. However, the figures are not reliable due to the turn of the year and the associated closure of schools and daycare centers. Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) had expressed concern yesterday about the new coronavirus variant XBB.1.5, which is increasing the number of hospital admissions in the north-east of the USA.

In China, too, the number of infections is increasing rapidly. Air travelers from China will therefore have to be tested for Corona before entering Germany. Germany is thus implementing a recommendation from health experts from the 27 EU countries. It is still unclear when the new rules will apply in Germany.