The end of the confinement rings the time of the statement. Confined for weeks to the role of passive observers of the pandemic, parliamentarians are preparing to open the thick folder of failures of the management of the crisis. Lack of masks, lack of tests, management of chaotic long-term care facilities, territorial organisation of the healthcare system… The auditions are going to be chained for six months to the national Assembly first, then to the Senate, in the hope to highlight and address these “flaws” that Emmanuel Macron has himself observed. While distrust in public opinion is palpable and sixty complaints have been filed against the government, some members of the majority fear an ” unpacking policy “, when others, on the contrary, expect a “clarification needed” after months of feuds and polemics. “If it is necessary to lance the abscess, let’s go “, goes over an mp LREM who, behind the scenes, has not spared his criticism.

Read also Covid : how the Senate fine-tunes its commission of inquiry

The president of the national Assembly Richard Ferrand, who was originally scheduled to preside over the commission, eventually gave up, leaving his place to the mp LREM Brigitte Bourguignon, which will be backed by two Republicans, Damien Abad, as vice-president and Eric Ciotti as rapporteur-general. And everyone, already, hones his questions. A final meeting was held Monday evening between the members of the “task force” of a dozen mps made up by Republicans to investigate the “case” of Covid-19. “Our questions will focus a lot on the masks, testing, and management of long-term care facilities,” sums up Éric Ciotti, who said they want to understand, for example, ” why a written note for public Health France in 2019 by an epidemiologist from grenoble recommending to maintain a stock of one billion masks at the national level has not been followed. This year, only 100 million masks have been ordered, it seems… ”

Jerome Solomon, a central actor in the crisis

The deputies are adapted to the municipal and not hear political leaders that after the 28 June. The hearings will begin with a key character : Jerome Solomon, the director-general of Health. “It is a great place to start, writes the LR Julien Aubert, because he has played multiple roles. Jerome Solomon, it is both the story, since it advised the minister, Marisol Touraine, from 2013 to 2015, on the safety. It is also the whistleblower who has accused the candidate Macron in 2017 that France was not ready. It is still the driver who has decided then strategies and turnarounds strategies. Lastly, it is the fuse, perfect, today, for policies that would protect themselves. Perhaps it is time that this official, who is not politically neutral, a book of his testimony… ”

The next day, Wednesday, will be agreed to by the leaders of the agency public Health France, responsible public orders of masks during the crisis – orders that are not arrived at time. And then the president of the scientific council Jean-François Delfraissy, who confided in a recent interview in the JDD that the confinement had been necessary because France had no equipment : “This was not a good decision, but the least bad, given the tools that we had : 3 000 tests per day when the Germans had more than 50 000. “The professor marseille Didier Raoult will be auditioned on June 24, and the ex-minister of Health Agnes Buzyn, candidate LREM in Paris, on the 30th of June, just after the second round. Follow the former ministers of Health, Marisol Touraine, Roselyne Bachelot, Xavier Bertrand… “”It is essential that we understand what has made such that at a given time no alert mechanism is activated,” insisted the vice-president of the commission of inquiry, Damien Abad. “Is it a failure of administrative, policy, two, a change in doctrine ? We will have to learn the lessons. “

Why do so many dead in the long-term care Facility ?

The situation of long-term care facilities will also be under a magnifying glass, the very high number of deaths in these establishments (12 000 dead at the end of may) which revealed breaches of the deep. “In addition to shortages in materials, in testing, in masks, the crisis on the ground has been managed so disastrously by the regional agency of health (ARS) “, accuses Eric Ciotti. The members of the commission have scheduled visits to the sites, some of which are also the subject of a complaint in justice.

And then ? The commission can theoretically work up to the 2 December, but several progress reports should incorporate his teachings to the work of the parliament fall. “My only concern,” says Damien Abad, is the form of complacency that I felt yesterday at the president during his speech. I don’t see how we will correct our mistakes, if he does not accept to see the reality in the face. “If this reality is easy to understand… The French, the summer will be punctuated by interviews of the two assemblies, so will have six months to judge.

writing will advise you

Testing : the three mistakes of the government Covid-19 : what is the Pr Delfraissy ?