Many of the rest of the Federal territory, now largely repealed pandemic-protection measures in the two circles, at least up to 30. June is back in force, as the state government announced on Tuesday. The Lockdown starts on Wednesday night at midnight. It was the “biggest infection happen” in NRW and also in Germany, said the Prime Minister, Armin Laschet.

Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) warned though that the people from the district of Gütersloh under “General suspicion”. “There is absolutely no reason.” The Lockdown means no travel ban, stressed that trips of the head of the government, with a view to planning a holiday. To a question, whether the inhabitants of the circle Gütersloh are likely to go on holiday, he said: “Anyone planning a holiday, can do it, of course.” At the same time, he appealed to the residents, “now to go out of the circle into other circles”.

  • Everything to the Corona onset in the case of Tönnies in the Ticker
  • entry to Bavaria, only with a negative Corona Test

    But even those who makes this, nevertheless, gets in trouble: On the holiday island of Usedom, about on Monday, 14 people were invited from Corona Hotspots, in advance abzureise. Bavaria and Mecklenburg-want-Western Pomerania tourist from Corona Hotspots no longer in the country of stay. Accommodation in Bavaria, in the future to accommodate more guests, arriving from a district in which the number of new infections in the past seven days, more than 50 per 100 000 inhabitants. The state law office chief Florian Herrmann said after a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday in Munich. An exception is made only for people who have a current negative Corona Test

    In Bavaria, to guests from the affected high-risk areas be controlled strictly, as a spokeswoman of the Bavarian state Chancellery confirmed to FOCUS Online: “In General, the guest is already in the reservation address. At the latest at Check-in, the address is to be indicated. The accuracy of the information, the guest is responsible“.

    citizens, which would be yesterday (traveled 22.6.2020) nor Bayern, are likely to remain – but they were “advised to leave for your own protection and for the protection of the other test”. Possible violations on the part of the pubs would be punished “of course, of the competent district administration authorities,” said the spokeswoman.

    Corona-measure: what is the legal basis in Bavaria?

    lawyer Arne-Patrik Heinze, an expert in public law, holds the measures of the Bavarian state Chancellery for legal. The General decree, on which such administrative act is usually handled, was supported by the Bavarian police and regulatory law, says he to FOCUS Online. The decisive factor is the proportionality of the measure in addition. Since Bavaria’s citizens from the risk of the entry areas with a negative Corona Test allow, keeps Heinze this Prüfaspekt met.

    complain due to the restriction of fundamental rights not to be excluded, however. This could be decided after an application for a temporary injunction within a few days even before the constitutional court.

    The FOCUS of Online In the cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degrees to be cracked PCP cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degree of be cracked
