clothing giant C&A controls, apparently on a scandal. The textile traders have taken advantage of the Coronavirus-short-time work shamelessly.

textile retailer C&A is accused of, during the Corona-crisis , a massif in the workers control cheated. The Federal employment Agency started well raids in Düsseldorf and Hannover. , Here you can find the basic facts for Coronavirus * and the Corona-News from Germany*. We also offer them in a map of the current number of cases in Bavaria *. Currently there are the following recommendations to Corona-protection measures *.

Düsseldorf/Hannover – Already two weeks ago, the Mail to some employees hit the clothes-giant C&A to the Mark. With complaints of staff-the chief and the works Council collected public made allegations, the textile traders cheat massively on short-time working money .

The staff of the Belgian group, which wants to close this year 13 German branches, have been sent during the Corona-pandemic officially in short-time work . The German state does in this case, at least 60 percent of the upcoming salary. Thus, the government wants to prevent the workers lose in times of your Job. the C&A to the hours of his employees is forbidden but still not reduced – on the contrary.

Coronavirus: C&A to send their employees on short-time work – which raise serious allegations

Systematically is to say you even Overtime work , and then not even be charged, buzzing it in the Letter, which is the mirror. Of course, the employees are not allowed to work but according to the law, as specified. Now sensitive to the penalties the company is threatened by .

+ In this branch of C&A in Hanover, a RAID should have taken place.©picture alliance/dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

As the specialist magazine Business Insider reported, took place against this Background, it is now raids in the C&A offices . The offices in Düsseldorf and Hannover to the Federal police searches. The AFP news Agency learned from authorities circles that ” there was checks for a well-known German textile company “. It is, apparently, wanted to Prove for the allegations against C&A . At the end of may, it was rejected by the company as “without basis”.

C&A: fraud raids in Düsseldorf and Hannover – fashion-chain-allegations

Officially insists C&A, a single Person had raised allegations against executives of a single Department . After internal investigations are to be surfaced with no clues. The supervisor has been advised, is it in Writing, repeatedly, that should be no hours to beat .

short-time work due Coronavirus: authority is sensitive to C&A-scandal

The Federal government Agency should, nevertheless, have already imposed the first consequences. The payments of Kurzarbeitergelds to C&A were frozen , it is called. In addition, a Team of on-the-spot check is now in samples, how long the employee actually . Next week, the officials want to publish their results. Interviews with the employees they reserve still.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©picture alliance / Martin Schutt / Martin rubble