the Corona the outbreak to the restaurant visit: number of cases in Leer rises to twelve

In connection with the visit of a restaurant in lower Saxony in the district of Leer, another person has been tested positive for the Coronavirus. The number of Infected, the the 15. May were in the closed society in the Local, rose to eleven, as the representative of the district on Sunday, the German press Agency said. Another Person from another County was put in the episode. For 106 people to Sunday lunch, home quarantine has been arranged. The test results of a number of persons from this group that showed symptoms, were the County, according to still. Reuters/Lars-Josef Klemmer/dpa The Restaurant “Old barn” in Moormerland.

The district is examining whether there was in the Restaurant with violations of the Corona pads. A state of the district informed on Sunday. “We have to wait and see,” said the spokesman.

In relation to the Corona onset, the Hotel and restaurant Association lower Saxony, has called on the County to provide education. “It is important now that the district Restaurant educates Empty the infection case in the reporting complete, accurate knowledge of the causes of the infection chain,” said the President of the Dehoga lower Saxony, Detlef Schröder. The Association wants to make also more aware of it, “that guest will be able to implement hosts and their guests, together with the strict requirements of the statutory distance and of hygiene rules”

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