Since Donald the escalator in Trump descended to his candidacy for the presidency to announce, he has pointed to constant political disputes, the American society is split, and as the only politician that can solve the problem really, because he was not for Washington politics-the swamp belongs to.

This method worked in the face of a booming economy in the last three and a half years, amazingly well. The stock exchanges went through the ceiling, unemployment, wages have increased by deep in the basement, which is why many Americans accepted the perplexing reality star in the White house.

All of the reports about the prevailing Chaos, the hedge many staff changes and the Attempts of his advisors, decisions of the President, changed little on the solid support of his followers. You see in Trump those of the American society in their old normality. That half of Americans refused to accept, was to him no matter. About the experts

Prof. Dr. Thomas Jäger holds the chair for International politics and foreign policy at the University of Cologne since 1999. His research interests are in international relations, and American and German foreign policy.

The Republicans as Trump party

For Trump was only a matter of how strong the Republican party is behind him. The Approval ratings of over 90 per cent of the party were achieved after initial Hesitation, relatively quickly stable. The polarisation was, because he was supported by Fox, a major TV station, reliable. An intra-party Opposition was not there. The other Republican officials and politicians, a pivoted either on his line or crawling kept quiet. To very they feared the concentrated Twitter-revenge of the President to those who turned against him.

He needed to stabilize this situation, only an internal enemy. He found in the left-positioned Democrats, he wanted to stamping to Communists. The consent of all the Americans he never sought, him the his followers handed, because you should give him another election victory. The book of our experts, Thomas hunter (display): “the end of The American era: Germany and the new world order” on Amazon.

Republican uncertainties

So, it seems to be, at least for a moment in the past. The confidence of the Republicans in the development of the country has collapsed in recent weeks from 70 to below 40 per cent, and the next polls will show that the consent to Donald Trump has slowed in the party for the Moment. This has less to do with the fact that now, prominent Republicans against Trump points – George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and Colin Powell had not even campaigned in the last election for Trump, but with the cumulative crises in the United States.

All the information on the case of George Floyd in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

The pandemic-failure

the failure of the government in the Corona-policy, after the onset of high unemployment and the pictures of apparent police violence contributed to the Republican base. Also there was registered that the President was in the Corona pandemic, too late. That he, after he had tried to belittle the pandemic, self-evident language is nonsense. You should consider drinking the disinfectant or the light to inject, were the most egregious failures of the Corona-press conferences, he hired her.

The economy in a tailspin,

Due to the Lockdown, 40 million Americans were within a few weeks unemployed, and had lost not only their income but also their health insurance. While Trump is not grieved the loss of the almost 110,000 in Corona victim, but boasted how many millions he will live on through his vigorous policy would have saved, he urged the governors, the output restrictions so that the economy can grow again.

police violence and racism

In this double crisis of a pandemic and unemployment triggered the Video of a young woman who filmed a white police officer brought a black man in handcuffs in the long minutes of his life, a storm of indignation, and raised the racism in the USA, suddenly once again into the public consciousness. dpa/Liang Sen/Xinhua/Reuters A woman in the canadian Vancouver has the supplication of George Floyd – “I can’t breathe” (“I cannot write to breathe”) – on a plate.

Trump was not an appropriate word, but poured Oil on the flames of public anger by calling for the U.S. military against the demonstrators to use. That would have been, because there can be no doubt, a national crisis is triggered. Because against the will of the governors, the American military should not be used in the interior. And such an approach was rejected all around. That a coup was imminent, which justified such a use of right, believed, and propagated only with thick blinders on occupied trailers Trumps.

  • read also: Mo Asumang in an Interview – “It is not enough to shout Nazi’s out'”: How African-robbing German racists, the words

The Dis-respect of the generals,

That the President has considered this application at all, just brought a lot of generals to him in principle, and always the ability to deny, to be a respected commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He was a Mature judgment, not capable of, noted, for example, former Secretary of defense James Mattis, and behind his judgment in very many of the gathered officers. No high-ranking officer stood behind Trump. Rather, in a row were retired generals and admirals of the us armed forces in a way to be negative about the President, that this is almost an inner turmoil is the same. Never, as they noted in unison, it is allowed to be used American military against American citizens, if they exercise their constitutional rights.

the ratio of armed forces to the commander-in-chief is sustainable shaken and will not be set. For use in the interior would have shaken the confidence of U.S. citizens in the military are sustainable. You couldn’t have that. Trump can’t be indifferent to. Because of the security organs, the police and the military, many of its voters.

see also: Ex-generals and high-ranking Republicans: The open revolt against Donald Trump

The Bible-image

An even more important group of voters are Evangelical Christians. Baptists and Catholics had criticized the Bible-the image of the President immediately, and even among Evangelicals, bend the consent easily. Trump wanted to send in a complete Overestimation of its own role – a strong image. Law and order and the Bible. But that went completely to the rear and will remain as an image of the double undue pretensions to him. Patrick Semansky/AP/dpa Donald Trump was in front of the “Church of presidents,” with a Bible in Hand, to photograph.

The President was operated from the manual for dictators, as he left the presses, is the a criticism. He had religious symbols are abused the second. The actual Symbol was then the new high fence to the White house. Trump finally had its wall, but not to Mexico, but to protect themselves. Not America first, but Trump first.

it Was the Trump?

Trump is about his election chances in November, is currently with his back to the wall. Would be elected tomorrow, would Joe Biden be the next President of the United States. But tomorrow is not elected, but only at the 3. November. Until then, much can happen. No one can know for sure which topics will then move the minds of the public. Five months ago, yet no one had Corona, unemployment, and racism on the note of the key electoral issues. Therefore, one should not write off Trump as well.

His unswerving followers he will hold through this crisis together. And if the American economy is like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of self-inflicted economic crisis, then other groups of voters are again within his reach. Because they have also co-sponsored in the last three years, many of the antics and social destruction, because the economy was buzzing. At your trump is the choice of fate depends.

Challenger Joe Biden

Biden His Challenger, former Vice-President, Joe, could not inspire the American voters in the last couple of weeks. He is also a little inspiring. To many, he is considered too old, almost sappy. Its biggest advantage is that he is on every kitchen table is known and only a few really have anything against him. He will try to surf the now lifting wave of protest and to benefit from the social mobilization pressure. And to choose a Vice-candidate, which entrains more than he is. Özdemir explained in the TV , like Trump Floyd-protests for the election campaign miss FOCUS Online/Wochit Özdemir needs to be explained in the TV , like Trump Floyd-protests for the election campaign, abused ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what the saver is in FOCUS ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what is the for savers
