empathy is one of the great Strengths Jacinda Arderns. Many new Zealanders will appreciate the feature of your Prime Minister, to pour at the right time, the mood in the country in the right words. As the island state was made in March of last year, by the assassination of a radical right-wing terrorists on a mosque to the marrow, as it was the voice of the head of government, which eased the pain of the Nation.

“Let us, the Nation, for which we hold us,” cried Ardern the people of your country; three months later her government was adopted with the broad support of the population, a law to ban semi-automatic weapons.

A year later, Spürgefühl and determination were in demand again, as the new Zealand on the 28. February, his first Corona-case registered. Within a few weeks, the Land of shock was frozen, a very strict Lockdown provided together with the geographical location as an island, that the case numbers are low and new Zealand has been internationally perceived as a Corona-Primus. imago images/Xinhua new Zealand Premieminsterin Jacinda Ardern (L) and Minister of health, Ashley Bloomfield explain their actions

The Prime Minister was not tired, in daily television appearances, the citizens of the prayer mill-like to the need for hard constraints bind. By the end of may, the country expressed as the number of new infections to Zero and was free since then, as a virus. Life returned to normal – even the popular Rugby games were played in front of full stands, no trace of Social Distancing.

The Virus is locked out and

coming back to The government’s strategy focused fully on it, the Virus is shut out. Into the country, only new Zealand citizens, which were brought after your arrival in one of the 18 quarantine Hotels on the island came. And yet, Corona is now 102 days officially back in the Pacific state. At the start of the week, four members of a family are tested in the metropolis of Auckland a positive effect on Covid-19, 13 more were added in the past.

Oliver Hartwich, a German, who directs in new Zealand the research Institute for economy, “New Zealand”, came this news a little surprising. “During the past months there have been repeated violations of the quarantine regulations,” he said on the phone to FOCUS Online.

see also: Strict Lockdown – new Zealand expresses Corona infections to 0, but the price is high.

Often it occurred that people entering would have to leave at the end of the quarantine Hotels without permission. For excitement in the country, the case of two women in the middle of June, which were released without the Test from quarantine in Auckland, to go to a funeral in the 650 kilometres away in Wellington to be cared also. There, the two were finally tested positive to the Virus. “It was not just luck, that it came to an outbreak,” says Hartwich.

the quarantine network is not perfect, also shows a report of the new Zealand news portal “Newshub”. Accordingly, until last week, almost two-thirds of the nearly 3,000 quarantine employees have not been tested in Hotels and on the borders of the Coronavirus. Also, the new Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is suspected to be behind the new national outbreak of a vulnerability in the quarantine system.

1.7 million people need to get back into the Lockdown

the excellent reputation of the government has harmed so far, the Kiwis are still behind their Prime Minister and their Corona-policy, which fails, as at the beginning of the pandemic dramatically.

The whole of the 1.7 million inhabitants of Auckland were ordered for three days in the Lockdown. The military and the police control the entry and exit from the city. Only those who can show a residence within the city limits, may only; out only people who were surprised by the state of exception and from your home is cut off, reported by Hartwich. dpa cars to queue up in front of a Coronavirus test centre. The Gesundheitsbeh?authorities in new Zealand try to make the source of a new outbreak of the Coronavirus to find

in Addition, the public life is shut down again. To supermarkets, all the shops remain closed, citizens are encouraged to at home to. At the same time an extensive test programme was rolled out, until the end of the week will be tested in Auckland, 50,000 people to the Virus.

But even here, there is not enough in the implementation, is reported by Hartwich: “some of the people waiting in front of the place ten to twelve hours on your Test”, he describes the Situation. Whether the renewed Lockdown is for the duration of the condition for the largest city in the country, would like to announce the government’s next Friday.

see also: cities researchers in the conversation – the Greatest lever of the traffic is! So we will save our inner cities, in front of the Corona-death

Auckland and Melbourne – a look into the future?

in addition to the Australian city of Melbourne, Auckland, is the second metropolis in the land Down Under, which was cordoned off in the last few days almost completely. The decisions from a European perspective, perhaps a look into the future, how the infection happened in a local outbreak of combat.

the example of new Zealand shows how quick and resolute political decisions in the case of a suddenly occurring Infection also can for big cities will be implemented. The change from Normal to alarm condition, seems to work here.

The virus-free months demonstrate that a targeted and frequent testing of trip returnees, despite gaps in the quarantine system essential to the containment of the infections. In Germany, everything works smoothly. Sometimes there are problems in the rapid evaluation of the test results of travellers, as the current breakdown in Bavaria shows. Here, more than 44,000 people have been waiting for since a long time on your findings. Including 900 Corona-the Infected are supposed to be.

That in the case of such major decisions such as a new Lockdown ends has to be advertised for understanding, know the Prime Minister Ardern. On Facebook she spoke to the Nation “as a Team of five millions,” in the fight against the Virus, and was optimistic, “to defeat Corona this Time”. Empathy, the need to show German politicians, perhaps, in the near future more often.

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