tourists in Turkey are excluded from the due to the Corona pandemic imposed a curfew for people over 65 years of age. A spokesman for the foreign office said on Wednesday in the Federal press conference in Berlin on demand. On Tuesday, his Ministry had lifted the travel warning for four of the most popular holiday regions in Turkey.

The curfew for the over 65-Year-old applies in Turkey since a long time before 10 am and after 20 PM in the evening. Between 10 and 20 clock you can move freely. In the elderly the risk of serious disease is comparatively high. The Turkish government had lock last week, but a reversal of the output in prospect.

After a week of Hesitation, the Federal government had repealed since March of current travel warning for Turkey on Tuesday for the provinces of Antalya, Izmir, Aydin and Mugla. However, tourists must leave now in the 48 hours prior to departure to Corona test and between 15 and 30 euros pay. The travel warnings independent of the classification of Turkey as a Corona-risk area remains for the time being. dpa/Marius Becker/dpa A beach in the vicinity of Antalya.

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