Corona has imposed on us all waivers to a number of Ends. In this context, it is always assumed that the Lockdown could be, at least for the sustainability of good. Estimates expect that the CO2-emissions in Germany due to the this year’s corona by 20 to 40 percent decline. In order to combat climate change effectively, however, would be emissions reductions of 80 percent or more is necessary.

This illustrates two things: firstly, the reason for this decline is anything other than sustainable, if people are dying and livelihoods to lose. Secondly, a waiver can be reduced – even if emissions are imposed, and so radical as to time – although not enough by far. Rather, a structural change is necessary.

an example illustrates not consume Less power when the production is by Corona silent enough – we need a consistent switch to renewable energies. Now German engineering and Management energy is required, with a smart change to a more sustainable future.

companies of almost all industries suffer in spite of the recent easing on a massive scale. The economy is also infected with corona, no question. However, great challenges, great opportunities. The historically high economic and funding packages to help speed up the in many places, already-overdue change to more sustainability and to make the business basis, thus crisis-proof. Three examples of particularly gebeutelter industries.

The automotive industry: initiated sustainability change speed

distributed state aid packages without sustainability alignment with the watering can, then this is what binds the outdated, unsustainable structures for many years. A high number of corona dead was found in regions with high air pollution and car exhaust fumes worsen spaces, the air quality in urban areas, is known. Every Euro of state aid in the combustion technology for the German automotive industry.

diesel gate has made the long-needed structural change in the industry and the German car manufacturer have begun with the realignment. Corona aid packages can now connect to the future viability of the industry, if you will only be provided for electro – and hydrogen mobility, sustainable synthetic fuels, and mobility services such as Carsharing available. A deletion of the commuting allowance for newly registered cars with a combustion engine could help to Finance the accelerated construction of charging stations for electricity and hydrogen, and the change support. About the author

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. C. Stefan Schaltegger, Professor for sustainability management at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. He directs the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM) and has established in 2003 with the MBA in Sustainability Management, the world’s first University MBA for sustainability management and CSR. In the area of corporate sustainability management, he is researching, among other things, to sustainable business models, sustainable entrepreneurship, the measurement and Management of sustainability performance, Stakeholder relations, as well as for the operational implementation of corporate sustainability.

The trade: Online and offline together,

The stationary trade think is one of the big losers of the crisis, while the Online booming trade. Instead of an Either-or-thinking could be the stationary part of the trade with a complementary Online presence, combining the Strengths of both systems, and thus to the sustainability of the trade. On the one hand, the Option is offered that can be ordered online and the goods that do not fit on-the-spot returns. The returned goods must not be destroyed – as it is today with online retailers is common, but can stationary be sold.

on the Other hand, can view customers in the stationary business Were real and try. If the right size or color is not in the Store, you get the appropriate goods in the Shop, triggered shipping directly to your home. You have to a second Time in the Store, and the likelihood that the goods will fit and no waste is produced, is significantly higher. Corona aid packages could be a combination of Online and promote Offline offers, the Online retailer will move in to invest in the retail trade locally.

tourism: Virtual experiences

create and Therefore offer the tourism company adventure travel, cultural and sports events, recreation, formats, or language exchange online? This may seem at first sight strange, but the Corona quarantine has shown that it works in more areas than they first suspected.

Cyclists from all over the world will meet at the home trainer, kicking and in Online Communities in the Internet, virtually and travel together on the screen over Alpine passes. Nature trips can be seen in movies up close and with online conversations with people who have filmed on location or life, enriched. On VR-glasses-technology-building theme weeks reality can create close to experiences such as the discovery of the Amazon and its wildlife. Through Apps, you can learn languages in a direct exchange with native Speakers from the country.

Such deals to take and are currently used by organisations outside of the tourism sector. Tourism companies still have a lot of potential for development. Prior to Corona, more and more people experienced the mass crowds at the trip and at the Destination rather than the stress-enhancing because as the having a rest. Who wants to spend three hours in the queue in front of the Eiffel tower? The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

travel through online Be broadened or replaced, can reduce the a mass of crowded holiday destinations and an Overload of the transport infrastructure. Thus, not only CO2-emissions and waste could be reduced in tourism destinations, but also international contacts before and after real-life encounters with low-emission continued. With the Online may be-and follow – up of the travel the tourist value creation in a sustainable manner increases.

of Course, these offers are so innovative that they actually offer a virtual enrichment and does not lead to a mere blunting or, ultimately, an increase in physical travel. Would be useful, moreover, to dispense with the corona helps to the promotion of unsustainable services of a remote tourism and instead promote regional attractions.

Now is the Moment to pack, chances of a in many places, necessary for the sustainable and structural change by the forelock, to take advantage of new more sustainable products and business models to rapidly advancing and economic aid, in order to be competitive in future.

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