a spokeswoman for the Prosecutor’s office of Munich I, the ZDF magazine “Frontal 21 informed”. The 35-year-old man from Afghanistan has lived in the state’s community property in the Aschauer Straße in Munich and had been put there, apparently, with the Virus. Pre-existing conditions are according to the information of the members is not known.

Bavarian government rejects criticism back

rejected the allegations. “The Bavarian authorities have promptly taken all the necessary measures”, – said the speaker of Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU).

  • read also: All the News in the Live-Ticker to the Corona-crisis

The asylum seekers had on 3. April 2020, for the first time about symptoms such as fever and Headache complaints and the management of the property informed. It took four days to 7. April 2020, until he was personally examined by a doctor. The offer to bring him to a hospital, I refused the asylum-seeker at the time, informed the Ministry of the interior. Another three days later, he was according to a positive Corona Test on the intensive care unit of the Munich, Klinikum rechts der Isar brought. There, the 35-Year-old died on the 25. April 2020.

lawyer of the deceased filed charges

The lawyer of the deceased, Catherine Camerer, has filed a criminal complaint and told “Frontal 21”: “It was not prevented, that my client gets infected, although the property already has a well-known Covid-19-case. In addition, he was brought very late to hospital.“ The Munich public Prosecutor’s office leading the investigation against an Unknown person and said: “The display is directed against a plurality of in particular is still not well-known people, including the leaders of the government of upper Bavaria as a carrier of the affected community property, the person in charge of the competent health authority, as well as with the deceased addressed the emergency services staff and Physicians.”

In asylum accommodation, it came to outbreaks in Germany in the past few months, again and again, Corona. The inhabitants often sleep in rooms with several beds and have to share the kitchen, showers and toilets. Social associations and refugee organisations criticise this practice, and call for the resolution of large properties, as well as a local accommodation. Reporting team in Washington in front of the camera by police officers FOCUS Online/Wochit reporting team in Washington attacked on camera by police officers

cba/ZDF attacked “head-on”