Carmen king-Roth, the mouth even of a pandemic, not easily upset. “It goes on”, says the Chairman of the Georg-von-Vollmar-Academy, even if the operation of the SPD-affiliated educational institution in the castle, rests the aspen stone still.

Kochel am see/Munich – “It goes on” has made the Academy Chairman, “even if it is currently incredibly exhausting”. Since the middle of March, the adult education is located in the old castle, and in the Seminary buildings, high above the Kochelsee lake on ice. “We have cancelled due to the Corona-crisis all the courses and do not know at the moment, with the best will in the world how it can go further,” says the “Queen”, as she lovingly of your closest colleagues is called.

Carmen king-rothmund organized the current emergency operation of her office in Munich. Almost all of the 30 employees in short-time work, she says. So no wage costs. The caretaker is exempt from the short-time working, of course, because of the need to see, even in these days of the Right.

Optimistic in spite of the long forced break

Despite the ongoing forced break king-Roth, the mouth is optimistic, “we will get through this”. The Academy have experienced in the past year, with a lot of encouragement, as reported a number of times – the closure of the conference hotels threatened. “The supporters of 2019 have brought us this year further supporters,” says the Academy’s Director. And: “This great solidarity sustains us.” For this she was very grateful.

+ Carmen king-rothermund, Chairman of the Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie

But it is in these days very stressful. Hardly you have read in the regulations to the Changes in the easing, so there is to take note of new instructions. The political education will be classified as non-essential to life – as well as overnight Stays in Hotels. The inclusion of guests at the castle of aspen stone, however, would be possible to start the operation. So this day should begin is actually equal to two seminars. “We don’t know yet whether that can happen,” says king-Roth, the mouth. It is a further concern: Will the already registered participants, if the Seminary can start up again? She has made this thought, than you get for a short term visit to the doctor immediately for an appointment, “because the practices are currently largely empty”.

On the revenue side of the Academy, it looks dark from

On the revenue side of the Academy see it at the moment is bleak. “For us, the participants contributions and subsidies, the flow is bound to a part only of the project are missing.” Although they have offered webinars to teach parts of the course offer online. “So we make at least a political formation, but this Form is free and does not strengthens, unfortunately, our finances.” Carmen king-Roth, the mouth wants the Academy in may, “picking up”. Is likely to normalize everything in the next year. In the courses offered by 2021 will take on all the cases, the Corona-crisis wide area.

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