The provinces at odds, the plans of Olaf Scholz “ineffective hodgepodge”? The policy problems in front of Corona. Criticism there is, not least, Markus Söder.

The last week of may brought a break in the German Corona-policy – the countries acquisitions in the pandemic, the oar. A well-known physician, provides for the development with concern. He wants to see Chancellor Angela Merkel in the responsibility. At the same time, the Grand coalition is arguing about the appropriate economic aid. The FDP, is appalled by the plans.

Update from 30. May, 14.15 hrs: According to the chief of the world medical Association, Ulrich Montgomery, also exercises the Bundestag-Left criticism of the appearance of Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in the Corona of a crisis.

It was “a Problem that the pandemic was relevant, as in the Union, the issue of the candidacy was discussed,” said parliamentary leader Dietmar Bartsch the Portal watson. “Not every Act of the Prime Minister, is oriented to the fight against the pandemic. Just Markus Söder using the crisis, obviously, for profiling,“ he criticized.

To the praise of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder for the work of the Minister-President of Bavaria said Bartsch: “Markus Söder has obviously learned from Gerhard Schröder. Has not helped the people during the floods on the river Elbe at the time, personally really. But he has helped in the boots with rubber and a shovel in Hand was photographed.“

Bartsch let slip that he presents his criticism quite to plan. He criticize Söder to the public – he said. “Otherwise, he is still Chancellor and I would like to prevent like.”

Söder and co. in the “beauty contest”: a group of Doctors-chief, Merkel wants to go back – and warns of Corona-errors

+ Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Corona-crisis, the Prime Minister is the first of a experts, am.©AFP / TOBIAS SCHWARZ

initial message: Berlin Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has left a few days ago officially the Prime Minister in the Corona-policy, the field – but all seem to observers not to trust the Prince to get a grip on the Problem. But even within the Grand coalition will continue to fight over the appropriate measures. A summit of the stimulus package the SPD and the Union .

Corona-policy in Germany: the Doctors-in-chief criticized for loosening and “beauty contest” of countries

the Chairman of the world medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery , more uniformity in the Corona calls for the rules in Germany. “The Federal government should take over the direction and management of the crisis,” he told the Passauer Neue Presse on Saturday (article behind paywall). “We must return to uniform rules and to stop in each state, different rules.”

“We need to slow loosen, as this is currently the case,” demanded Montgomery. “The beauty contest of the Prime Minister, the with easing measures to beat now , is regrettable.” In this way, will give the population the impression that the pandemic is already over, and all is well again.

Merkel throws in Corona-crisis in the towel – “Prime Minister, are part of the problem, not the solution”

“To the end of March, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister of health, Jens Spahn , led superbly by this crisis. It was only when the Minister-presidents have taken over and the competition between Mr Laschet*, and Mr Söder went off, it was messy.“

If there is no Federal uniform guidelines, it’ll be confusing and dangerous, as the Chairman of the Board of the world medical Association. “The Prime Minister are more part of the problem and not the solution.” In fact, there is apparently also in Söders the free state of Bavaria new easing plans, as* reported.

Corona-crisis: armed in Merkel’s Grand coalition – Scheuer presses ahead with proposal

meanwhile, the coalition Committee wants to come already on Tuesday week a billion stimulus package festival to bring the German economy out of the Corona-hole. However, the focus will be violently wrestled.

heavy of scandals battered transport Minister Andreas Scheuer wants to promote, according to a media report, also railway transport, road-building and digital infrastructure. The CSU politician propose a 28-billion-Euro package of “investment for the future of mobility” before, reported the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

Corona-measures: a paper from the Finance Ministry leaked – FDP is “disappointed”

FDP parliamentary group Deputy Christian Dürr demanded that the Federal government is a “great success”. This applies for relief as well as for investment in education, digitization and infrastructure , said Dürr, the German press Agency.

A called an internal paper from the Finance Department drought-a bitter disappointment. It’s about support for families, communities and the economy. So a one-time Bonus of 300 Euro per child is suggested at the children’s allowance, in order to relieve families and to strengthen the purchasing power. The proposals were a hodgepodge of ineffective measures, it would cost a lot of money, so the FDP politician.

As the mirror reported, wants to take the Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) about a follow-up program for the 50-billion-Euro assistance for micro-businesses and Solo-self-employed suggest. In particular, the hospitality industry, travel agencies, the event logistics and the exhibition is intended for the benefit of the industry. Private households should be relieved, also, in the case of the EEG levy for the promotion of green electricity.

Coronavirus: SPD warns of “antisocial Merz-price” – internal Ministry paper angry FDP

SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil warned the Union not to want a more “antisocial Merz-price” to prevail. “After weeks of joint action, the differences with the Union, are now abundantly clear,” said Klingbeil on Friday time Online. The First, what is the Union for the recovery field planted with, was to grind the “minimum wage and the solos for super to abolish the rich” “The be said to for a week of hard negotiations,” he said.

one way or the other: Merkel package announced on Saturday, on Innovation and sustainability. “In the next week, we will decide on an economic stimulus program to take to help the economy to recover and to grow,” said the Chancellor. “The art is to do it in a way that we give at the same time Innovation and sustainable business a boost, we are also future-oriented fields strong.”

Sharp criticism from various sides there were demands by the car industry to a buyer’s premium for new cars – even the CDU representative, warned against concessions to the “Lobby”.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.