The name of Consuelo Castro (Ourense, 1964) will surely linked for quite some time in the recent opinion of the State attorney on the immunity of the jailed leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras. There has been criticism especially severe against the legal services of the central Administration. But sources from the Ministry of Justice, that it depends on the office of the State attorney, ensure that complaints have not gotten that Consuelo Castro wobbling. The own attorney general ratified the treaty. “We’ve acted,” she says, “with rigor, applying legal standards and with very wide latitude of discretion”. In terms of the relationship that has been with the Executive for the resolution of this case, the attorney general explains that it is “obvious” that “the Government is not aware of the reports by the press”. But he adds that it is not the Executive who dictates and not what has been done in this matter.

To Consuelo Castro, the worst thing is that the Law of the State and his work have served as “ammunition” for political debate. In part, the harshness of that public discussion is the sign of the times. Gone are the experiences of the Transition. “I was in first-year Law,” she explains, “when the victory of socialist, 1982”. Were 202 house of representatives for the PSOE. Nothing to do with the present moment, in which a report of the Advocacy has been part of the prologue to the session of investiture of Pedro Sanchez, the thread of the demands of CKD so that the text contained a “gesture” to the formation of the independence movement. But Castro replicates convinced: “Neither my work nor of the Law are political”.

In fact, Castro remained at the forefront of the Advocacy of the State in Galicia with successive Governments of the PSOE and the PP. It is for a woman progressive and galleguista. The latter, in part, because he entered the Galician Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, with a speech in that language, in which he defended his use in the Administration of justice. In any case, has never made display of their political ideas. After studying Law at the Real Centro Universitario del Escorial —three years— and at the University Complutense of Madrid —the other two— he won the competitions in 1989, he spent two years attached to the Ministry of Health and then it was off to A Coruña.


Junqueras said that the only way to change the non-CKD in the endowment is to create a negotiation table

The family tradition weighed. His father was for many years chief of the State attorney in Ourense. In A Coruña, Castro served as head of the provincial of this same legal body, between 2004 and 2007, the year that he took over the command over the whole of Galicia. His return to Madrid occurred in June of 2018. The minister of Justice, Dolores Delgado, the called to provide you with the address of said body. It was not known. “Several people of my confidence I spoke highly of it,” says Delgado. One of these people was the exportavoz of the Progressive Union of Prosecutors (UPF), Alvaro Garcia Ortiz, the prosecutor in charge of environment of Galicia and with whom Castro served during the judicial proceedings opened after the sinking of the oil tanker Prestige and the subsequent oil slick.

During his long stage in Galicia, Castro already had many opportunities of curtirse. And one of them was precisely the one that was the sinking of the Prestige. The State is playing in this issue of 1,000 million euros. If that was the director general of the Merchant Navy in 2002, when the incident occurred, José Luis López Sors, had been condemned by that shipwreck, this figure would have had to pay for the Administration as responsible subsidiary civil. But was acquitted, as were defending the Law of the State, represented by the head of the body in Galicia. Another issue of scale was the tragedy of rail in the curve of Angrois. This case, has not yet been resolved, proved to be much more hard. In that curve is lost 80 lives. Are processed, the machinist of the train and the former chief of security of Adif.

it Was at a meeting related to this tragedy where Castro met Rosa Seoane, who has now signed the report on Junqueras as head of the department of criminal Law of the State. Seoane replaced Edmundo Bal, today a member of parliament and deputy spokesperson of Citizens, who was ousted in November 2018 after holding the thesis of the rebellion, and not that of sedition, in the case against the leaders of the procés. Castro and Seoane have returned to work hand-in-hand in the report on Junqueras, along with the assistant director of services contentious Lawyers, Luis Gonzaga Serrano. The team have completed four other lawyers of the State, in the areas of Constitutional, Human Rights and the European Union. This matter, the law of the Union, as well as the recent judgment of the Luxembourg Court, which ruled that Junqueras should have been able to assume his seat of mp after his election in the elections last may, were the key subjects to issue an opinion on the case.

An essential point of the controversial report is that it advocates the validity of the conviction in the judgment of the procés, without prejudice to the Junqueras can be released and act as mep —with the security measures agreed to by the Supreme court— while dealing with the suplicatorio and the European Parliament decides whether to grant it or not. To explain it, Castro says: “We have worked without pressure, and if some there have been, have been outside the Administration.” “If someone is going to have to defend the judgment of the procés before the european court, it will be the Law of the State, whose thesis on the crime of sedition was, by the way, which the Supreme court assumed,” he argues.