The “last dictator in Europe” call the media, the Belarusian head of state Alexander Lukashenko is fond of. It sounds almost belittling, if member States such as Hungary or Poland think of the violations of the rule of law and the corridors of opposition, even in the EU.

We journalists strive to make Yes always have names like “autocrat”, for the Ruling in Poland or Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban or the rulers on the Bosphorus, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Also kind of sounds bad, but not quite as bad as “dictator.”

But Lukashenko is a dictator. On 9. August, he wants to be re-elected, his election is virtually certain, since 1994, he has ruled Belarus with an iron fist. Its most promising competitor, Viktor Babariko, he is arrested. In protests in the capital, Minsk, have been arrested in the last days 1000 people. Last but not least the chief of state failure in the Corona is accused of a pandemic. He has denied the danger of the pandemic is simple. He has in common with other despots like the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in common. Objective dangers from the outside, the only prudent Action and international cooperation mastered, do not fit to the self-image of such a ruler.

More than just symbolism

that is Why it is good, if now a parliamentarian in the whole of Europe, the German members of the Green, Margarete Bause and Manuel Sarrazin, sponsorships for political prisoners in Belarus have accepted. That this must not remain a mere symbolic, but otherwise empty gesture, shows the case of the Belarusian social Democrats, Nikolai Statkevich, was up to 2015, been arrested, according to international protests, was released and is now back in prison. Bause has taken over the sponsorship for the opposition.

And also the Federal government with draws, has expressed its deep concern about a fair process of choice. The Ambassador of Belarus in Berlin was asked to talk to the Federal Foreign office.

The sponsorships are also a good thing, because in the Corona times, the views over the own borders is more difficult than before. If, for example, the States of the EU, focus all efforts on the fight against the pandemic, and massive aid programmes, as has just happened, then other sites threaten to fall into the Background. Prey for despots and autocrats, whose Action is not so much in the focus.

external pressure

What are the possibilities for Germany, but actually to help the endangered people in Belarus, we must have no illusions. But only an opposition with the sponsorships should can also practically be helped, it would have been worth the expense already.

Margarete Bause has rights: Only the Public, the German politician, may protect the Endangered. And such publicity, in white Russia, so abroad needs to Wake up. Otherwise, Regime opponents, such as Statkevich simply vanish from the Radar. And that would be bad.

author: Jens Thurau

*The post “comment: sponsorships for the Belarusian opposition – a good idea!” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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