In the case of the assassination attempt, nobody was hurt, there was a construction prevented the error, the suitcase bombs exploded.

in 2006, we had placed two young Lebanese explosive devices in regional trains to Hamm and Koblenz. The time fuse of the two almost identical suitcase bombs triggered as planned in the early afternoon, but nothing happened. A design flaw prevented that the Gas-gasoline-exploded mixture.

“bloodbath of monstrous proportions” scheduled

In their investigation, the police used video images of a surveillance camera from the Cologne Central station. One of the assassins, a then 21-year-old Student, was just taken three weeks after the bombing attempt at the Kiel train station is fixed. His then 20-year-old accomplice, who had last lived in Cologne, was a few days later in his home country of the police. He was sentenced in 2007 in Beirut to twelve years in prison.

see also: Almost a year after the failed suitcase bomb attacks on two regional trains to Hamm and Koblenz, the Federal government has filed a bar charge against the main suspect.

The main perpetrators of the applicable other man was sentenced by the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf in 2008, due to multiple attempted murder to life imprisonment. Motive for the offence, the publication of the Danish Mohammed cartoons in German Newspapers was the opinion of the court. The accused had planned “a bloodbath of monstrous proportions” and was the mastermind of a “profoundly terrorist act,” said the presiding judge in the judgment grounds. Never before Germany had been an Islamist attack in more detail. Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake of Constance PCP Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake Constance
