The leader of United we Can, Pablo Churches, has incarnated as this Saturday, its next profile of vice-president of the Government and has advocated for an Executive who applies “a program of reconstruction of rights and freedoms taken away and the creation of new ones.” With the detail of the plan of economic-social already largely unraveled by Pedro Sánchez, the leader of Can has focused on lash out harshly against what he called “forces of the right, ultra-right and ultra-right wing”. In a speech which he gave without reading and with continuous nods to the socialist candidate, the leader of We may have been reproached to the right to recover, “the discourse of the anti-Spain, the dictatorship”.

Churches has dedicated the bulk of his intervention to blot to the right, which violates precisely what it says defend: the identity of Spain. “You don’t understand Spain. Spain is here, it is very diverse,” he said, in reference to the floor of Congress, which brings together forces with sensitivities very different. Churches have wanted to deconstruct the id that make such formations with the defense of Spain. “You speak of traitors to Spain, but to betray Spain means to attack the rights of workers, sell public housing funds vultures, privatize public services, steal with your hands full and finance illegally their election campaigns”, has listed, in a speech continually interrupted by the applause of his caucus.


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In a time of intervention that has been shared with three other spokespersons of their parliamentary group, of Churches, it has been used to fund not hold accountable primarily to the people’s Party of economic cut backs undertaken in the last few years, but also of the worsening of the crisis in Catalonia. “This goes to the new legislature: to repair their betrayal of the homeland”, he cried. “Lords of the ultra-right and the ultra right wing, before which spaniards are you reactionary”, has now come to reproach.

beyond these invectives, the representative of United we Can, has appealed to the pro-independence to promote an understanding with the left that allows “face democratically conflicts”. In this context it has built the single message that has been able to be uncomfortable for the socialist, speaking of “prison and exile” and to thank some of the inmates of the procés —without naming them— their support to the feasibility of this endowment.

Churches has stressed the “depth unquestionable of the democratic convictions” of some of these political prisoners. “From this rostrum, humbly, I want to give you thanks. Do politics”, he asked, a call that does conflict with any of the red lines of the PSOE. The socialists argue that the policy-makers who participated in the process for independence are jailed for violating the law, and that the expresident Carles Puigdemont, and some of its directors are escaped, not exiled, as pointed out by the head of the rows of we Can. Despite all of this, and in line with the profile of the ruler who has tested this Saturday, Churches have not come to criticize the Central Electoral Board, which on Friday decided to dismiss the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, after his conviction for disobedience.

Aware that the origin of this formation was deeply protest and critical with some of the guidelines that now must be complied with (for example, the budgetary rigour), Churches have claimed the 15-M and has identified this stage that comes as the moment of “turning it into concrete policies”. She has also recovered —without the belligerence of other times— the alert against the powers, against the presence of we Can in the institutions. “The next Government will have many enemies,” he warned. Among them he cited “economic powers and financial, with their arms in the media, and togados that will be in front of its reactionary ideology”.

“go Ahead, president”

The leader of Can has crowned his speech with a phrase that condenses well the twinning of its ideology with that of Sánchez: “Yes you can; go for it, president.” In his reply, the socialist candidate has reciprocated with thanks and has been declared “frankly thrilled” with the coalition Government which envisaged to integrate from the beginning of next week. The stretch of the intervention group, United we Can has ended with Sanchez coming off the bench and going to the seat of Churches to merge with him in a hug.

The intervention of the leader Can be outlined this Friday, but Churches took advantage of the break of an hour and a half after the initial discourse of Sanchez to adapt and update their messages, according to sources in its environment.

The words of Churches have opened the block of the afternoon, and have put an end to the harsh exchanges that maintained during the three hours before the leaders of the right wing with the president of the Government in functions. Iglesias has premiered a pitch unknown in contrast to the previous debate of investiture.

on The contrary that in this session of July, in which Churches launched harsh invective to Sanchez by its refusal to form a coalition Government, the secretary-general of this training has been this time comfortable in your allegation. Its main risk lay in losing the authorship of a social program of the Government that Sanchez had already detailed in his initial intervention. So, has centered its messages on to corner the right, and has emphasized that the next Executive will defend democracy “with the law, with the law, with the law.”

The rest of persons involved in the shift of United we Can (Jaume Asens, of In Common to and Can; Alberto Garzón of izquierda Unida, and Antón Gómez-Kingdom, of Galicia in Common), they have endorsed the lines of Churches. Against the attacks of the Vox to the Communist Party, Garzón has claimed that inheritance. “Without it, we would understand neither the Spanish democracy and the Constitution of 1978,” he concluded.