China firmly holds since one and a half years, two Canadians, now you should be officially treated as possible spies. Canada’s Premier Trudeau says he was “disappointed” and critics suspect retaliation for the arrest of the Chinese business woman Meng Wanzhou.

Beijing (Reuters) – China has accused two detained Canadians officially due to espionage allegations. As the Chinese state television reported on Friday, the Beijing public Prosecutor, the a, Michael Kovrig, to have state secrets and intelligence information being spied on.

The other Michael Spavor, was accused in the town of Dandong near the North Korean border officially of spying for foreign forces.

former canadian Diplomat, were Kovrig and his country man Spavor, who had headed a cultural center for the exchange with North Korea, has been the end of 2018 in China, arrested. The detentions followed the arrest of the chief financial officer of the Chinese Telecom giant Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, in Canada. Diplomats and critics suspect retaliation and accuses China of “hostage diplomacy”.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said he was “disappointed” over the actions of the Chinese. “We Express our disappointment about this decision, about the Chinese Holding these two Canadians. We will continue to advocate for their release, for their return to Canada,” said Trudeau at a press conference in the vicinity of Ottawa. In this case, the country will seek international support from other countries. A connection to the case of Meng Wanzhou, he do not see, he said further.

in Canada festival held Meng had in the dispute to their extradition to the United States at the end of may a sensitive defeat has suffered. Her request for a termination of the proceedings was rejected.

The Huawei chief financial officer and daughter of company founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in December 2018 at the instigation of the US authorities in Vancouver. The US government accuses her of Bank fraud in connection with the circumvention of sanctions against Iran. Meng has stood for more than a year in Canada under house arrest. In the case of a conviction in the U.S., you could face a long prison sentence. Meng and Huawei rejects the accusations.

The case is also a political issue in the duration of the dispute between the United States and China. The U.S. government has accused Huawei in a number of cases, accusing the group of industrial espionage, and other Offenses.