Your power is formidable. Even if you’re sitting, having lunch, or dinner, Carolina Darias, the new minister of Territorial Policy and Public service (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 54 years), it has mechanisms, cyber or intuitive to know what happens in the map of Spain. Belies with a boldness unmatched in the topic associated to the canary islands to the aplatanamiento. In addition, the banana was not born in the Canary islands, unlike Darias, who jumps of the Government of the islands to the Government of the nation.


This is the new Government of Pedro Sánchez, The Government faces the legislature, with a narrow margin budget

As president of the Parliament of the Canary islands established the reasonableness and common sense as a guide to their performance. And also as a citizen common, which has not ceased to be in any of the official duties that has remained, among them the delegate of the Government in the archipelago. Darias is a woman whose attributes do not pass by the exercise sobreactuado of the authority, but respect to those who do not feel or believe what she keeps and defends.

But the most outstanding is the energy, wrapped in a tenderness that does not fit with the topic of indifference that is attributed to politicians. As advised by Che Guevara, there is that to harden, but never losing the tenderness. And although it does not seem to be time for Che, yes they are to put that phrase in the context that corresponds to the values of Carolina Darias.

The future minister of Territorial Policy has the value of the memory to recognize the lessons left behind by their predecessors in the history of their country canary islands and the country of all, now you are going to spend also. When I was going to produce the important political change in the archipelago and is celebrated in Gran Canaria on the Day of the Canary islands, in the midst of the rumors that were in the Executive of the canaries, found time to dine with Jerónimo Saavedra, the first president of the socialist that took the islands. There could be observed the intensity with which the two not only lived the political fact, but the importance he gave to what each one had been learning by his side.

In the present day, was councillor of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Government of the Canary islands. Before he was a councilman of the city Council of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, where he was also director of government Management of the Territory, Urbanism and Housing and the spokesman of his party, the PSOE, in the Cabildo of gran canaria. Each time that in these times something happened in the islands, I had the impression that the woman who seemed to have their land (and the entire State!) in the head was on the basketwork of sound decisions, both political and human. It can be said that it gained in its various steps political the affection and respect of the inhabitants of the islands. Who else will be happy also will be the most the miss, the president of an autonomous region Angel Victor Torres. Now, anyway, Carolina Darias will have the obligation to bring Madrid to the islands, a trip that is always so difficult for those who sit in the armchairs of the administration of the territories.

Has two adopted daughters. Know your history of mother, oírsela tell, it is a map of your heart. Who knows this map knows all the maps, including the map of Spain.