He lives fodbolddrømmen out in Brøndby IF. But for the summer it may be over for Kasper Fisker.

When the current season is over, run midtbaneprofilens contract out with Vestegnsklubben. But he is willing to sacrifice in order to continue his career in the yellow jersey.

“Financially, I will stretch me far. It will be I have to, if it should be an extension,” says Kasper Fisker in this week’s edition of Football FM, B. T. s fodbolddebat podcast. ( the Broadcast can be heard at the bottom of the article )

the Fisherman came to Brøndby IF in the summer of 2017 from Randers FC as a nøglekøb for then head coach Alexander Zorniger, but this season is his situation is quite hopeless.

At the moment he is about to “re-teach” with a nasty knee injury which may keep him out the rest of the season, which is to say that he may have played his last matches for Brøndby IF.

Fisherman should have used this season to convince fodbolddirektøren in Brøndby IF, Carsten Mariobet V. Jensen, that he is worth betting on for the future, even though he’s turning 32 years old in may.

“I had hoped that I could play me to a contact here in the fall. It is of course very unfortunate,” said the Danish midfielder, who is a popular figure among Brøndby IF’s fans.

Kasper Fisker has besides Randers FC previously played for Hobro IK and reveals his plan B, if ‘CV’ turns the thumb down.

If a new agreement with Brøndby IF fails, he sees only two of the above clubs as options, if he is to continue his career in the premier League:

“My old clubs, I have a relationship with, so I can’t see myself playing in other clubs. But I would be in Brøndby. I have been a bit of a Broendby-boy.”

Kasper Fisker has played 64 matches and scored five goals for Brøndby IF.

Football FM is the B. T. Sports podcast on football and only football. Here debating players from the world of football every Monday the main events and issues from home and abroad. The broadcast can hear below.