Ex-First Lady Bettina Wulff promoted in the TV Talk from Jörg tile man her new book – and comes to Michelle Obama, and liver sausage sandwiches.

Bettina Wulff was once Germany’s First Lady . In 2018, they separated for the second Time, Ex-Federal President , Christian Wulff. In the Talk from Jörg Kachelmann she talked now about how this time has influenced.

Leipzig – Quite openly Ex-First-Lady Bettina Wulff in the current issue of the MDR-Talks “Riverboat” about her time on the side of Ex’s talked-Federal President Christian Wulff and presenter Jörg kachelmann had it, especially with the wording of your new book.

Even the point, he had noted: on page 109. “She was Germany’s youngest and most glamorous First Lady – but on the inside she felt like a ‘butcher’s champion on a vegan meeting’,” he introduces them to the audience.

Ex-First Lady Bettina Wulff: “I feel like ‘butcher master'”

Bettina Wulff on laughs. “Yes, this is a bit exaggerated…” – “you have written it.” “Yes!” “To give you, that you have written it?” – “I s not to give, but it was really a lot of Fun and was also a good process”. I didn’t write it alone, but together with a very, very good friend of mine, Heino Maseman“, back-pedalling a bit.

tile man would like to know who were the “Vegans” and why Wulff so foreign in its role as the First Lady of Germany felt. You have often experienced moments in which you would have had a “pinching,” says the 46-Year-old. “The life I had led until then, was a normal worker and single-parent life, I say change. And suddenly, everything was different.“ In this new environment, you’ve felt like a “butcher champion”.

Jörg tile man (MDR) to Bettina Wulff: “Have you practiced this Stand?”

Guide to you because we are now back to a “normal” life and is a little more of this “between lives”, as you describe it, remained, after drilling the tile man. You have a lot of upset replies Wulff diplomatically, and it has been “Yes, a lot of great experiences and encounters, which I would miss in any case”.

Now the Director displays a photo of Bettina and Christian Wulff. “There are many legendary photos of them from this time, and it is almost iconic, as you are stood there”, flatters tile man. Wulff giggles and explains: “this is The first photo, so the photo will be included in the President’s office from Federal President .” Wulff is in a Robe made of strong red, shiny fabric, with head held high to the side of her former husband.

“Have you practiced this Stand?” – “Yes of course!” it comes promptly. “This had been something Bizarre. I know exactly, I’m there in Jeans and sneakers, from Hannover to Berlin, I put on the dress, and then I oops-oops – and in the evening I sat again in the case of liver sausage cuts at home,“ says Wulff.

More about Bettina Wulff in the

Bettina Wulff in the tile man-Talk: Michelle Obama is the “icon” for me

Later, the language comes to another Ex: the First Lady Michelle Obama , the met Wulff and at the Meeting “incredibly excited” was how she told. “She is an icon for me. You robbed me of any inhibitions and Fears, we understood each other very well.“

you have to lose to chat with Obama about family and children – and a valuable piece of advice from the Meeting, brought In all the hustle and bustle of the office as First Lady never in contact with the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, you have no more contact to Michelle Obama: “It is a function, a sort of office, I had to stop and that’s over time.” Wulff’s new book bears the striking title “Different than I thought – As I am learning what really matters”.

Bettina Wulff in the NDR-Talk: “What is attacking me, really…”

to see the beginning of the month, the Ex-Federal President’s wife, who promoted the just, in the television. In the “NDR Talk Show”, she spoke about the fight against Paparazzi – you feel sometimes as “hopeless”. “What is attacking me really the nasty stories about the family and my children,” said Wulff.

for A time, the photographers had followed her children and you waylaid. But ultimately, it was followed by: “At this level you can’t win.” The 46-year-old PR consultant from Burgwedel had married in 2008, the former lower Saxony Minister-President Christian Wulff, who was from 2010 to 2012, Federal President. The Couple separated but.

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