The Assembly was prohibited by the city of Stuttgart, as a spokesman for the police in Stuttgart on Thursday the German press Agency said. Among other things, the authorities refer to the infection protection in the Corona-crisis. The AfD now plans to submit an application for a temporary injunction against the ban, as the party announced.

The southwest AfD wanted to on the 24. May with a rally in the center of Stuttgart against the restraint measures for the Corona-pandemic demonstrate. Also, the AfD-Chairman Alice ryegrass should speak to the AfD information on the Demonstration.

Demonstration on Sunday was with 500 participants, is planned

“in the past, the CDU would have ensured-Minister of the interior, in such a case, for order and also the Opposition of basic rights,” said the AfD’s-land of Vice, Markus glad Maier. “We will therefore make an application for a temporary injunction, and our right to freedom of Assembly to court to enforce!” The AfD had planned the Assembly, originally with 500 participants.

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the doctor expects Corona-course of the Federal and länder governments: “I thought the spiders” FOCUS Online/Wochit doctor expects Corona-course of the Federal and länder governments: “I thought the spiders”
