With a new political Initiative and of a truce to end Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the months-long fighting in the civil war, the country of Libya. The ceasefire should begin next Monday at 6 p.m., said Al-Sisi on Saturday in Cairo after talks with renegade Libyan General Khalifa Haftar and the President of the in the East of the country-based Parliament, Aquila Saleh. Al-Sisi, according to the allies of Haftar, and Saleh agreed to the Egyptian initiative.

A spokesman for the internationally recognized government, however, reacted negatively. “We don’t have the time, to the heresies of a war criminal to watch over satellite channels,” said Mohammed Kanunu, with a view to Haftar. “We have not started this war, but we are the ones who determine the time and place of his end.” The government troops advanced on the coastal city of Sirte. Hamza Turkia/XinHua/Reuters Libyan government forces on the airport of the capital, Tripoli

drones and mercenaries

Haftars troops fighting in the North African country against the supporters of the internationally recognized government of Fajis al-Sarradsch. Haftar had ordered in the past year, an Offensive on the capital, Tripoli, have lost but strategically important areas. On Thursday, Al had explained Sarradsch that the whole of the capital of Tripoli is under the control of the government.

Haftar is supported in the conflict of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Russia. Observers attribute the recent military successes of the government, in turn, on military assistance to Turkey for the troops. The Turkish government had recently relocated to modern drone technology, and several thousands of Syrian mercenaries to Libya.

Failure of the conference in the Chancellery from Merkel

The world community had started several Attempts to resolve the conflict without further bloodshed. Only in January of this year, all parties to the conflict came together, first in Moscow and then to a large conference in Berlin, the Federal Chancellery, to agree to a ceasefire, an arms embargo and a withdrawal of all foreign combat units. Reuters/Hannibal Hanschke/REUTERS/Pool/Reuters German Chancellor Angela Merkel and foreign Minister Heiko Maas opening of the Libya conference in the Federal Chancellery.

However, the fighting in Libya continued a few days later already, the supplies of arms from abroad stopped also. The necessary diplomatic processes were also due to the Corona-pandemic – slow in motion. In April, the renegade General Haftar announced an agreement with the UN, which should clarify the balance of power in the country, and launched a further attack on the capital, Tripoli.

threats to Erdogan

Egyptian President Al-Sisi is now warning, to seek a military solution to the conflict. His so-called “Cairo Declaration”, described the Initiative also includes the withdrawal of “foreign militias”, which the Egyptian President is expected at the Turkish troops are targeting. He called on the UN, the peace talks in Geneva to resume. His Initiative was in line with UN resolutions and the results of the Libya conference in Berlin. —/Turkish Presidency/AP The Libyan Prime Minister Fayiz Al-Sarradsch (left) during a Meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday in Ankara

The push for the formation of a presidential Council, under the leadership of the UN-elected and 18 months to stay in Power to see. Saleh said that a new Constitution should be drawn up to pave the way for elections. The current internationally recognized government is based on a 2015 under the auspices of UN negotiated agreement, the Haftar, however, refuses.

Even Russia finds the idea not bad

a Russian politician, took the initiative from Cairo, in principle, positive. The prominent foreign politician Vladimir Schabanow stressed that the idea is bad. “It is always better to sit down at the negotiating table, than to fight.” Russia’s foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had called on Wednesday for an immediate end to the fighting in the war-torn country.

After the overthrow of long-time ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2011, was turned Libya into Chaos. Countless militias fight for Power and influence. All the political and diplomatic initiatives for a durable end to the fighting have so far proved fruitless. Everyday racism is also on your doorstep instead of FOCUS Online everyday racism is also on your doorstep instead of
