Arancha González Laya will be the new minister of Foreign affairs of the new Government of Pedro Sanchez. González Laya (Toulouse, 50 years) will replace Josep Borrell —and to Margarita Robles, who has been a few weeks in charge of this portfolio— a profile veteran who turned Sanchez after the motion of censure and which had among its main objectives to restore the reputation Spanish foreign damaged after the challenge pro-independence Catalan. The new owner will continue to wrestle with this issue —likely with less intensity than its predecessor— and also mark their own profile in the European Union in matters such as the external dimension of migration. The Brexit, with the distinction of clearing the future relationship that will have the Gibraltar with the EU, on which Spain shall have the right of veto, is another of the main tasks for the Spanish diplomacy in the next cycle.

Gonzalez Laya has been deputy secretary general of the UN and executive director of the International Trade Centre (ITC), an agency jointly with the World trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations. Before in this agency already worked in the WTO —led by the cabinet of the secretary-general Pascal Lamy— and was his representative (sherpa, in the jargon of the diplomatic) in the G20. Previously, he worked in various positions at the European Commission in the field of international relations, trade, communication and development cooperation, according to sources from La Moncloa. He began his career in the private sector, as a partner of a firm of lawyers. She graduated in Law from the University of Navarra and he has a postgraduate degree in the Carlos III of Madrid.

His appointment strengthens the economic profile of the Government. The Executive proposes to emphasize the call economic diplomacy, which incorporates Exterior elements of the defence of the economic interests of Spain abroad (internationalization of companies as one of their banners).

Officer, european specialist in trade, Gonzalez Laya is of clear ideas and direct treatment, according to point out those who know. In addition to his high level of knowledge on this subject highlights its defense of gender equality.


PROFILE: Arancha González Laya, the minister who receives supports at the right and left Calvo, the ‘number two’ continues and assumes historical memory

in Addition to this novelty Exterior, the coalition Government headed by Pedro Sanchez will have a new Ministry of Social Security, Inclusion and Migration, that will lead José Luis Escrivá, until now head of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef). In the field of absences Dolores Delgado, who does not continue in front of Justice.

After revealing the four key areas that have the status of vice-presidency in the Executive branch (economy, ecology, Spain and empty social policies), the members of the new cabinet will continue to know with the dropper. The minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, and the minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, will continue in their positions. So will José Luis Ábalos, at The Moncloa defined as “a fundamental pillar of Government”, and whose portfolio is referred to as now Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The aim is to “reorient the politics of infrastructure in the country” to promote a sustainable mobility, according to those official sources.

The four vice-chairs will be occupied by Carmen Calvo (Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Memory), Pablo Iglesias (and Social Rights Agenda 2030), Nadia Calviño (Economy and Digital Transformation), and Teresa Ribera (Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge). The rise of Bank devalues a both the vice-presidency of Paul’s Churches and has generated the first grumbling in the coalition Government. Maria Jesus Montero, minister of Finance, gain weight, with the spokesman of the Executive.

The entire list of the members of the Council of Ministers will be known between Friday and Saturday. But the drip-drip of news is unrelenting: the minister of Culture, José Guirao, does not continue, according to sources socialists; the holder of Health, María Luisa Carcedo, nor will. Remain in their respective areas Isabel Celaá (Education, although loses the spokesman) and Pedro Duque (Science, without Universities), according to the same sources.

Sanchez communicated to the King the appointment on Sunday, and he’s scheduled to appear later —after many days of silence— to present to their ministers and the master lines of the future action of government. On Tuesday we held the first Council of Ministers, which will approve the first steps.

Paul Churches will be the one holding the office of highest rank among the ranks of United we Can, as second vice-president; Irene Montero, your partner, and current spokesman of the parliament, will be the minister of Equality; Yolanda Díaz, member of parliament of Galicia-In Common, from Esquerda Galega, will be minister of Labour. Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, will assume the portfolio of Consumption, and the sociologist Manuel Castells will be at the forefront of Universities.