The response of the Federal government to a parliamentary question the left party, which is the editors ‘ network of Germany.

The largest increase in the number of accidents of the professional associations registered according to the report, in the area of administration, the number increased by 63 per cent to about 16 accidents per 1,000 Employees. This value is even higher than the rate for the health/welfare care with 15 accidents/1000 Workers, although the injury would have to be a danger in hospitals or nursing homes is significantly higher than in an office.

Left calls for action on the part of the employer

the Slight increases in accident rates were also seen in the economic areas of transport economy/Postal-logistics/telecommunications (1.3%) and trade/logistics (1.8 percent). Declines were registered for example in the area of professional cooperatives, health/welfare (down from 8.3) and wood/metal (minus 7.4 percent).

The Left-wing politician Pia Zimmermann requested that in view of the Numbers of employers to Act. “First of all, employers in the field of professional cooperative management, banking, insurance, consulting, as well as in the area of the professional Association of transport should immediately take effective activities in the field of labour protection, as well as the Accidents and as soon as possible the cooperation with their professional associations are looking for,” she said of the editors ‘ network of Germany. Every accident is one too many, said the health expert.

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