as long As you will need to set the record repay the debt, she wants to take now, to your Corona utility to Finance.

The members of Parliament, not snarls and shows teeth

Otherwise, but the top decisions are the EU-Far from future-oriented enough. Above all, you incensed that under the Corona-money blessing research and health programs to suffer will, of all places, for less money is rated. In a special session of the Parliament on the outcomes of the Summit was that members want to show the heads of state and government by a lot of the teeth. Maybe even snarl, and possibly bite. “We will be the watchdog,” announced the Chairman of the parliamentary group of the conservative European people’s party (EPP), Manfred Weber of the CSU. At the summit, the national interests have prevailed, and now the European coming to the series – so the parliamentarians see their role. the

After the summit is before the fight with the deputies

after quite a busy next few weeks and months, for Michel, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country currently holds the EU presidency. You need to make the European Parliament the summit Deal palatable. After the summit is before the fight with the deputies. Without their consent nothing can be done. National parliaments have yet to be convinced. dpa/Stephanie Lecocq/EPA Pool/AP/dpa Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and EU Council President Charles Michel, bump on the elbow, after the conclusion of the EU summit in Brussels.

Also in Brussels, the Struck’s law

is true”, so We decided, this European marriage for the next 30 years to continue,” asked Michel, the Yes-word of the MEPs to the summit decisions. Be the first to vote, at the earliest, in the autumn. But it is already true: in the European Parliament, the Struck’s law applies. The former German defense Minister Peter Struck had formulated the Golden rule, the law leaves the Bundestag in the same Form in which it was introduced.

woman doctor of the Leyen advertises a bitter pill to swallow

The qualified Doctor, von der Leyen spoke of a “bitter pill” for the EU budget for the next seven years, which is expected to amount to about a trillion euros. 750 billion for the Corona-aid added. “Regrettable, painful decisions, many of the programs were” the result of the exceptional situation. “This is a bitter pill we will not swallow”, hurled the SPD-deputies Tiemo of the President, contrary to Wölken.

How legal is the summit decisions are actually?

The fight against the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic requires interpretation of the EU leaders that the Union must, for the first time in its history, a large volume of debt. Whether or not this contract is at all in line with the EU, to doubt some of the members. His articles 310 and 311 of the state, in part: “The budget is in balance as to revenue and expenditure.” That, to a large extent loans are to be used, should also employ the European courts.

referendum stimulated

the people of the Dutch MEP Derk Jan Eppink, the Parliament sits for the EU-skeptical “Forum for democracy” in Europe is to turn it on. He suggested in the debate, a referendum of the people in his home about the summit Deal: “The people themselves should be able to determine how your money is spent.” dpa/John Thys/AFP Pool/AP/dpa The Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in an interview with Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel.

once the Dutch stopped – the French and the Irish, with a Referendum a historic EU Plan. At the time, it was about the proposed European Constitution. The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, who played at the summit a key role in the next year a parliamentary election before. He is under strong pressure of populist forces.

The EU as a money machine

“misers and Pseudo-Democrats” saw the Belgian Liberal Guy Verhofstadt, at the summit of the works. The latter was a top, especially against the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who takes it in the opinion of many in Brussels with the rule of law all too carefully. Therefore, a number of members of the European Parliament are outraged that the summit left it to the theme of the rule of law loyalty in the case of non-legally binding formulations, to make state you to the pre-condition for payments from the EU coffers.

“There needs to be a bailout for the rule of law in Europe”, demanded the FDP Deputy Moritz grains. Unfortunately, the member States see the European Union solely as a “Bank machine”. Whether the Europe Parliament in the case of this ATM, first, the connector must be in new and tough negotiations. It is probably one of the most exciting summer breaks, which has experienced political operation in Brussels ever. “There are no rules”: Majorca-Star appalled by the Dutch section at the ball man FOCUS Online “There are no rules”: Majorca-Star appalled by the Dutch section at the ball man