FOCUS Online , Mr Free, after a series of extreme-right attacks, security agencies warn of a new wave of terror, as their prognosis is?

Free: provide in the area of the right-wing extremism, several worrying Trends. The Neo-Nazi Milieus radicalize more and more. The groups such as the splinter party are The rights of the III. way, but also a PAL. Moreover, the groups in the network have to put up with your conspiracy myths from the alleged exchange of the white population to the system of the fight against the alleged Corona’s dictatorship, a dangerous breeding ground. In addition, radical ultra-authorize rights Influencer also part of psychologically disturbed people. At the end of the development of bombers such as those knit in the hall or in Hanau, their very own racist doctrine and access to the weapon.

“It is also a terrorist threat”

FOCUS Online is certainly the way In which extreme right-wing Milieus use the Corona conspiracy campaigns for your purposes?

Free: a number of groups its ideology and the Corona have made conspiracy myths, suitable – anti-Semitic tirades included.

FOCUS Online a new terror threat by the rights of a Corona-deniers Threaten here?

Free: It is certainly – in addition to loss of Confidence in the government of a terrorist act and a possible rise of right – wing extremist groups-a danger, because such a conspiracy myths with a fact-can be a trigger. This spark that is fanned by extreme right-wing circles, you can skip it. This can be in the scene about the Empire’s citizens. Also there is a weird world-is picture, these people are ready at the same time, often a maximum of violence and use of facilities, with all means against the state act. Many of them are, said Corona-deniers, which could then believe, with the corresponding indoctrination, to have to act now. dpa/Federico gambarini image Burkhard Freier, the head of the constitutional protection of North Rhine-Westphalia.

“Watch that Russian extremists to come to North Rhine-Westphalia”

FOCUS Online : How important is the Internet as a radicalization of machine?

Free: is Very important. For the constitutional protectors of the focus in the coming years, the World Wide Web in time right-wing attack planners to identify. Therefore, we will Snoop on the network with new methods to such persons.

FOCUS Online : do you really Believe, you could see into every dark corner of the Internet into this?

Free: no, certainly not, but the protection of the Constitution will try to analyze in the light of new technology, the mass data differently than has been customary.

FOCUS Online : How close are the Links between Russian nationalists and the local Neo-Nazi scene?

Free: We observe that Russian extremists to come to NRW. For example, the “Congress” under the Motto “Together for Europe”, the splinter party of the party “carried out The rights,” 2017 in Dortmund. A “doer” of the right-wing extremist combat sports brand “White Rex” has the Russian citizenship. Overall, we see an internationalisation of right-wing extremism. The Neo-Nazi spectrum has very close contacts abroad, for example, through martial arts or shooting practice in Hungary, Ukraine or Bulgaria.

All the information about the Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

“Interventionist Left is trying to use climate change to be”

FOCUS Online have classified The Berlin defenders of the State of the climate protest movement “terrain” (EC) as the extreme left, in the new constitutional protection report of their authority with such clear Statements, you are afraid of criticism from the policy ?

Free: no, in the new NRW protection of the Constitution report is that the “terrain” of extremist forces such as the interventionist Left (IL) is affected. In Berlin, IL with determined virtually, what the climate activists make. Because that is where the left have co-founded extremists of the chapters, the climate protesters and are significantly involved in the strategic direction. In the Rhine and Ruhr, the IL affects only about half of the chapters of the “terrain”. Nevertheless, the IL in NRW will continue to support comprehensively the activities of the EC in an attempt to exert influence. However, numerous activists that have nothing to do with left-wing extremist currents in the hat at the end of the terrain in NRW.

FOCUS Online : Why climate policy ?

Free: The interventionist Left is trying to take advantage of campaigns such as the protests against the climate change topic to the table for himself. A motto is to intervene in social Struggle. About current and socially relevant issues, such as climate or racism. The IL is trying to build bridges between the civil society and extremists, because they can hybridize to the protests of the radical. To do this, mass actions of civil disobedience belong to such as””. This means a mass-like transgressions of rules and criminal laws, no distancing of violence. Rule violations are reinterpreted, particularly in relevant platforms and belittled. At the end of the “civil disobedience” is then the goal to achieve a revolutionary break with capitalism. Also parts of the “terrain” pursuing a violent Agenda. So, for example, when it is said: the barriers of plant protection or the police, we will reflow. Sounds harmless, but can only be done through physical violence.

And another point is striking. Again and again the IL and EC occur in our state together. So, for example, with a common poster: system change, not climate change. In the hambach forest, we still have an extremely dangerous, militant squatters-scene, the view of the forest still as a place of retreat.

FOCUS Online they count 970 left-wing extremists in NRW to the violence spectrum recycle, who these people are, what groups play a role?

Free: in Most cases, it is representatives from the Autonomous scene, belonging more to an Organisation. During demonstrations, they occur in small groups. Masked, black-dressed, extremely aggressive, in Parts of violence -particularly against forces of law and order. “We did not expect”: Lauterbach gives misconception to FOCUS Online/Wochit “So we did not expect”: Lauterbach gives misconception to the ECB: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what to FOCUS Online governing means for savers: First Inflation, then a new monetary order is coming – what the saver is called