The fight against the criminal members of the Arab extended families in the past few years, a much greater attention in the policy. The police authorities in the strongholds such as Berlin or eat out of the back constantly to raids, make new focus teams. Parallel collected extensive statistics to the phenomenon more accurately. This is very staff-intensive.

Now, secret report surfaced from the various land offices of criminal investigation (LKA), which suggests that the police bloat authorities, the statistics on the Clan-crime targeted, in order to get to this kind of more staff.

insiders: “police revealed constructed in layers, to resources

” “The Clan of crime in lower Saxony, Germany is a Prime example of how the police constructed a location to get more resources”, now a police officer from Hanover, who wished to remain anonymous, the “time”. According to the Clan-statistics would be decorated in lower Saxony, Germany, located the pictures, their Numbers would portray the Situation incorrectly.

So many crimes have flowed in the survey, for example, of an intensive offender arrived from Iraq, no criminal branch of the family could be associated with it. “He is more like the classic profile of a Clan of Criminals (…). His activities, however, are exemplary for future scenarios in the area of criminal Clan-structures. This applies in particular, if a stay of the reunification according to socially isolated pair”, – quotes “time” from an internal management report of the LKA Hannover.

The fear seems understandable. But the young Iraqis will not be described here as a Clan member. Nevertheless, his 46 offences were landed in the year 2017 in the Clan statistics.

a similar surname is enough for the Clan-statistics

That people who have a last name, the spelling of criminal family clans resembles that evidence to the police of sight, certainly has its good reasons. Because especially in the case of the Arab family names, there are often multiple spellings. However, these persons would not be self-attributed by the police “inevitably, clan, criminal structures” that show up still in the clan statistics, it appears at least questionable.

for example, If a 15-year-old Boy skipping school and in a Kiosk at the main train station of Hanover, out of boredom, a chocolate bar, claw, “he ends up, because he carries a surname of the Clan-table, automatically in the Clan statistics,” said the Insider, the “time”. A subsequent examination of the data would take place.

“The Motto is: ‘Better a case, more than one less'”

The police officers from the Hanover also reported that there were store detectives, who strikingly often theft download bring for the display, which from a police point of view, “at least questionable” is. To check whether the information above is people with foreign surnames were actually members of a criminal family Clans with an immigrant background, not give it. “We are encouraged by our supervisor to fill the database diligently. The Motto is: ‘Better a case more than a case of less’.” Self-Involved in a Turkish wedding-Korsos, the blocked highways, would find the entrance to the Clan-statistics, although it is in a case cited by the 18. April 2017’ve given up on the A2 near Hannover, neither the injured nor any accidents.

The LKA in lower Saxony wants to refer to the allegations of any comments. It was a “authorities internal picture of the situation”, the not intended for the Public, and as a “VS – for official use Only” was classified. “Therefore, it is not possible for us to answer the questions of the press open. The same applies to coordination between the security authorities of the Federation and the Länder”, the answer to a question of “time”.

Bremer LKA has. statistics adjusted

That, however, it is showing according to the report, the statistics of the city state of Bremen, which is considered to be one of the focal points for Clan crime There 2015 had been registered between 3500 and 4500 potential offenders. After that, the police have, however, focused on 50 to 100 individuals, while in lower Saxony for the entrance in the Clan stats still only one count: the last name.

contact restrictions to enforce: 250 police officers in Clan-funeral in the use of FOCUS Online contact constraints enforce: 250 police officers in Clan-funeral in the use of Tesla: A 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responding FOCUS Online/Wochit Tesla: A 13-Year-old is filming illegally Gigafactory construction – Musk sees the Video and responds
