According to the Stuttgart riot night is the Outcry in size. But in Germany the police is treated for a long time is bad. A comment by mercury editor-in-chief George Anastasiadis.

anyone Who has not yet, who wants again? In Germany it has become, unfortunately, fashionable to cool his Heels at the police: The los is in the case of journalists, the compare police officers with “waste”. It continues with the intellectual arsonists of the policy, such as SPD-Chief Saskia esque, which pushes the officials just lump “racism” below. And its sad climax takes place on the road, if the Left-and young people, often with a migrant background, as in Stuttgart with enthemmter violence at police bashing.

riots in Stuttgart, Germany: distrust of government forces

Now, the parties do surprised, and politicians of all parties to outdo each other in their demands for harsh punishments. To soothe your guilty Conscience? The excesses of the weekend came not from the Nothing. They are the result of a long social Discrediting of the police by the political Left.

+ Georg Anastasiadis©Marcus sleep

, And the majority accepts it for years without complaint, that the state and its representatives always irreverent is countered that police officers spat on and beaten, that Clans laugh about the fainting of the guards, in Berlin, the red-red-green Senate passed an “anti-discrimination law”, which is nothing more than a manifestation of the distrust against the state forces of law and order.

the rampage in Stuttgart, Germany has less of a racism as a problem of integration

“bulls” are the favorite hate object of German Gangsta Rapper. Also, the “Black Lives matter”movement in this country in increased relish in the idea that American States would have to reign where police officers do their work. The same protesters, looking under every Pebble, to racism, to be overlooked, but the integration problem is like an elephant in the room.

Also now in Stuttgart conspicuous Partymob recruited frustrated young men, the majority of migrant. This should not mask the violent Goings-on of the also involved in German, but should be out of sheer political correctness, while not entirely lost sight of.

all of This is bad enough. Is the height of hypocrisy is reached when the SPD-Head of Saskia esque now publicly wonder how the “rampant rioting” to come. Played Inconsistency is probably the last thing the humble, and to revive body and soul of police officers injured now helps more.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.