In the last point of hiding the trap. The agreement between the PP and Vox in Murcia, which enabled the popular and Citizens made with the Executive self, just with a compromise in which the bipartite PP-Cs never thought: close the centre for unaccompanied foreign minors of Santa Cruz. After several months of complaints of the ultra-right, non-compliance plans on the approval of the Budgets. The vice-chair, Isabel Franco (Cs), check balls out: “The agreements are to implement them, but right now there is no alternative”.

The arrival of unaccompanied immigrant minors, who Franco describes as “avalanche”, is the pretext used by the regional Government for not addressing the closure of the residence Rosa Peña, of the Foundation Antonio Moreno, one of two financed by the Region. The last three months of the year tend to be the ones that registered the greatest number of landings by boat in Murcia, but the numbers of 2019, reflecting a fall of 55% in arrivals by sea in all of Spain. The figures of care of children also does not support the thesis of Franco: it’s just 0.01% of the population of Murcia.

The data provided by the vice-president, responsible for the portfolio of Social Policy, reflect that Murcia serves 215 children -70 of them in Santa Cruz, while in October, 2018 the earlier Executive autonomic the stood at 207. That is to say, only eight more than a year ago and, according to Franco, it does not generate problems of coexistence: “it Is a center model and exemplary, but that does not mean that we consider not to comply with the agreement of investiture”, promises in statements to this newspaper. And he adds: “What shall we do when we can secure an alternative that guarantees the rights of minors.”

Vox is still waiting. The party of the ultra-right, which has already been achieved and introduce the pin of parental in schools, against the opinion of Cs, has not ceased to claim the closure of Santa Cruz in the first months of the legislature. That is the only point of agreement with the PP that the bipartite has eluded. The leaders of the ultra training in Murcia have not wanted to respond to THE COUNTRY if compliance is a condition for its support to the accounts, which these days is discussed in the Region.

The arguments of Vox in Murcia are the same that repeats the extreme right in Spain without data to support them: the juvenile facility generates insecurity and provides a service to the foreigners while the Spanish children have other needs, such as lack of health center. The performance is also identical: in September, several leaders of the party, supported by a group of neighbors, protested in Santa Cruz against the residence.

To solve the course problem, Vox defends the closure of the centre and the expulsion of the children. However, the Executive murcia has ignored the complaints of Vox from the first moment, and accuses the extreme right-wing lie. “As it is not in the Government, has no obligation to tell the truth.” After signing the clause that stipulates the closure of Rosa Peña, the bipartite came to expand the center with a laundry and a dining room.

While he deals with the pressure of Vox, Franco diverted the blame to Madrid. “We need the central Government to be involved”, claimed. Silver: Murcia claim funding. Currently the communities, responsible for the guardianship, are the ones who assume the financial burden of the care of unaccompanied foreign minors. Murcia figure spending 80 euros a day for each inmate.
The Government does not plan to fund regional competitions, but Health yes last together communities with a plan to reform the system. The new protocol implies that the central Government assume the first host of the children then distribute them throughout the territory. Franco met yesterday with the vice-president andalusian, John Marin, and called on the vice-president of madrid, Ignacio Aguado —both of the Cs—, to study this initiative.

Nearly 400 rescued in three days

Mary Martin

The boats for Sea Rescue have registered an intense activity during the christmas time. Just the day of christmas Eve and Christmas, the organization coordinated the rescue of 319 people. Among these was a group of 61 migrants who managed to reach the islands Chafarinas, and was later transferred to Melilla. Yesterday the day was less intense, but is rescued 56 people. Between them there was a man sailing in a boat, toy, and stated that the companion with which he was travelling fell into the sea, according to have informed sources in Rescue. Arrivals to Spain by land and by sea (30.781) have fallen in 2019 50% in comparison with the previous year.