Why remember some people not even that you have been infected, whereas other medical and respiration must be treated and in the worst case, death. Because of these different histories, it is difficult to find out how many people are actually infected and how many already have an immunity built up. The number of unreported cases is high.
The blood group is analysed in focus
German and Norwegian researchers have the different blood groups in connection with the course of the COVID-19-disease. You are amazing, even if preliminary results have come. One reason for the very different progressions could be the respective blood group of the patient. The researchers have studied, what role might you have in people with particularly severe course.
The Corona-puzzle
researchers have investigated failure in a study of 1610 patients with COVID-19-Breath. These people came from the epicenters in Italy and Spain, where the Corona has raged Virus particularly strong. They came from Milan, Monza, Madrid, San Sebastian and Barcelona. The patient had a particularly bad history, some survived.
scientists have studied the DNA Material of the Diseased, at certain Points. These are Places where there have been many variants. The genetic characteristics that came out, and were compared with blood samples from 2205 healthy people.
One of the first results: people with blood group A seem to have a particularly high risk for a severe course. This blood group in Germany, 43 percent of the population. The probability of in need of in the case of an infection with the Corona Virus oxygen supply or ventilation could be twice as high as in people with blood group 0.
you can appreciate in the current Situation, apparently happy, but they, too, are not armed against infection with the Virus. The lowest risk for a severe course of the study.
Also for the donation of blood group 0 is especially. People with this blood group as the donor for each question. You are a universal donor. This is true of 41 percent of the population in Germany.
The blood groups B and AB are widespread, with eleven or five percent so far and are in the appropriate examinations to COVID-19 and the role of blood groups in between.
influence on therapies
Confirm the results of the study, this also helps in the development of various drug therapies. Similar approaches, such as the connection between COVID-19-gradients, and the blood groups are there already for other diseases.
In the case of Malaria, for example, had made scientists a connection between the disease and different blood groups. It is now known that people with blood group 0 (Zero) indicate extremely rare in severe Malaria and is very good against a violent history are protected. In the case of various diseases, in turn, other blood groups, protect the human body best. This applies to the role of blood group A in the case of the plague.
Long-risk patients were available for the researchers in the foreground. The are those who have certain pre-existing conditions and / or are of a certain age. Also, smokers were in the focus. They were by the Corona-Virus more vulnerable to the risk than non-smokers? Now researchers are pursuing a track in Corona-maze.
author: Gudrun Heise
*The contribution “What will have to do blood groups with COVID-19?” published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.
Deutsche Welle