The SPD Chairman has no government office, but earns 25,000 euros per month. On your members-website esque to obtain, in addition to their parliamentary allowances by 10.083,47 euros a month for a high rate of “monthly compensation” of the SPD. This esque estimated at 9,000 euros a month.

SPD: Ten million euros less in the election campaign

The high payment of the SPD is now criticized under Enjoyed. Because of the party’s money is missing. Recently, even had to be an austerity budget decided, has it all: Tens of millions of Euro will spend the SPD in the next Federal election campaign less than in the year 2017. In addition, there is a reduction. Treasurer expert Dietmar Nietan complained in the mirror-Interview: “by 2023, we will reduce the personnel expenditure significantly.“

Enjoyed the sensation of references as unduly high

Against the Background of the SPD’s financial problems, many Comrades feel that the compensation from the new Chairman as improper. Especially since esque addition to their diets and the SPD-payment is still a lot.

esque explains on their website: “For specific costs incurred by me due to the Bundestag mandate, such as the rental and maintenance costs of my apartment in Berlin, and of the office premises in the constituency, the travel and other costs of the choice of circle of care I will receive a tax-free fee of currently 4.497,62 Euro.”

22.436 euros per month for the office team

The flat-rate annual cost-of-living adjusted. Their use must not be compared with the Bundestag administration demonstrated. Thus, the administrative burden for the control.

For your office team esque receives a monthly Budget of 22.436 Euro. Also 12000 Euro office costs costs.

“In this lush amenities, you could do without the money of the SPD voluntarily,” according to the staff of the Willy-Brandt-house. But in fact esque party donates 1000 euros a month.

The debate about excessive remuneration esque are fueled by an embarrassing Twitter-communication from the Chairman last month. Background the discussion on the future payment of your predecessor and Ex-party leader Andrea Nahles, and in summer, President of the Federal Institute for Post and telecommunications should be.

esque: “Who financed whom?“

The Twitter user Michael Johansen asked esque, therefore, publicly to the justification of the content, what is “quite interesting”. Because, “for example, I work in retail and that to Finance a part of their diets.”

Eskens short answer: “And I don’t pay, only taxes, I buy them every day. Who financed whom?“

Then, some users pointed to the new SPD-Boss outraged that members of the Bundestag are a good value and their compensation completely from tax dollars come from. In a variety of media communication has been criticised esque as aloof and arrogant.

About the author: Martin waltz, neither the famous Poet from the lake of Constance or the critics of John Rawls, and a representative of the Communitarianism, but a representative of the empirical pragmatism is. Was born waltzes in Switzerland. His suffering good books are, after a difficult political week.

More on the topic of Saskia esque and SPD

  • Poor election results and dwindling numbers of members make the SPD to create. On top of that, the party wants to save in the next Bundestag election campaign of around ten million euros. Especially the personnel costs should be significantly reduced. Meanwhile, collect the SPD leaders compensation merrily high cost.
  • Since half a year, Norbert Walter-Borjans, together with Saskia esque at the top of the SPD. At the time of his election, the social Democrats were crashed in the polls to 13 to 15 percent and at this level you Bob up and down further. The CDU/CSU has increased in this time from under 30 to almost 40 percent. You can twist and turn as you want: Walter-Borjans, has not brought forward the SPD

  • In the debate about the riots of Stuttgart Vice-Chancellor and Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) has defended his party chair Saskia esque against criticism from the Union.

racism-allegation against police “for every COP is a slap in the face” PCP racism-allegation against police “for every police officer indignant a slap in the face”

*The post “the SPD Chairman of the party base with a high level of effort compensation” is published by The European. Contact with the executives here.