a month Ago has begun in Israel with the Opening of its schools, even under the pressure of economic needs in the Corona-crisis. Almost 130 schools and kindergartens had to be closed again – due to a continuous Neuanstiegs of Corona infections since the end of may. While affected at the beginning of the crisis, homes for the aged were, are now the schools, as new foci of infection.

In the case of 347 students and teachers has been the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 detected, more than half of them from schools in Jerusalem. Approximately 17,500 students and teachers are in a domestic quarantine. Graduation parties at the end of the school year should take place only in a limited Form.

With an average of 3.1 children per woman, Israel has the highest birth rate in the Organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD). Especially for a young country, the school is question is of crucial importance. About 2.3 million of the total of nine million inhabitants of Israel students.

As a student or teacher is infected demonstrably, the whole school is closed

The rules in the fight against the pandemic are strictly: as soon As a student or teacher is infected demonstrably, immediately closed the whole school. All of the students and the teachers need to ensure in home quarantine until such time that you are not infected.

In may had moved the numbers of Corona infections in Israel, mostly in the double digit range. However, at 29. May, it rose to 113 – about the “red line” of 100 new infections a day, the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had called. Since then, this line has been exceeded several times again.

Netanyahu spoke on Sunday, according to his office by a “significant increase in the past eight days.” He said: “The Virus is here.” On Monday, Israel’s Corona Cabinet will discuss possible measures in view of the Neuanstiegs, this relates to schools, public transport and other areas.

teacher as a “super spreader” in Jerusalem, in the mask of a duty to be difficult

A majority of 56 percent of the current new infections in students and teachers accounted for Jerusalem, of which three-quarters (148 proven infection) to a single high school. According to media reports, it is suspected that there is a teacher as a “super spreader” has particularly infected many other people.

Many students and even teachers find it difficult to keep in the school day to the hygiene regulations. Nati star, head of the high school Ironi Dalet, Tel Aviv, said: “The rule that everyone must wear a whole day long with a mask, is not implemented in practice. A large majority of pupils in all year groups and age classes, not wearing a mask.“ Many complained of shortness of breath, concentration problems, headache and eye pain, if you had to wear mouth protection.

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told A seventh-Grader at a different Tel Aviv school: Only those who wear a mask will be left by the security guard at the gate in the first place. “In the hallway, all must wear a mask, but if you come to class, you may take it off.” In the breaks the students to wear mouth-nose protection, “but you can see on the farm and without”, the twelve-year-old.

According to the Neuanstieg of infections, many schools are a mix of presence and distance learning about the US video meeting service Zoom passed. The reactions to this Form of teaching were mixed.

New Corona cases: Not only schools affected

In Other respects, are not affected only schools from the increase in the number of cases After the infection of the Arab deputies in the Israeli Parliament, for example, four other Knesset had to go on Saturday-members as a precaution, home quarantine.

Israel had reacted to the beginning of the Corona-shaft very quickly with rigorous measures, the pandemic was in the small Mediterranean country so far, relatively harmless. According to information from the Ministry of health, the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 has been demonstrated so far, at 17 752 people in Israel, 295 died.

elementary schools open part without clearance rules – Germany’s top teacher: “We just do the second step before the first”

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