In India, as in so many countries these days is: The Coronavirus brings social and societal ills and political failures mercilessly to the fore. Corona is a magnifying glass for what’s long been wrong.

Ailing health system, fuels fears of the Virus

Only a little more than 1 percent of its gross domestic product invested after China the most populous country in the world each year in its public health system. It is part of a two-class society in which the Rich in expensive private clinics can treat, while the Rest is ailing goes to hospitals, or equal to, is not sick, is insured.

In the Knowledge that the consequences of the pandemic would overwhelm the Indian health care system completely, ordered the government under Prime Minister Narendra modi on 24. March a strict Lockdown for 1.3 billion people.

“There is no Bus, no Taxi, nothing more,” says Rimmele from Delhi. “The people were allowed to leave their homes, only to do purchases in your neighborhood. Otherwise, a strict output prevailed barrier.” Violations were sometimes punished even by the use of force by the police, says Rimmele. With the strict measures it has managed to India, however, to keep the number of Corona infections, up to now comparatively low. 119.524 cases the country has seen, 3583 people died of Covid-19. During the case, the country is in a balancing act between the economy and health

Now, however, the number of confirmed cases is increasing continuously, because the lives of so many people hardly even longer cripple, and the economy groans. Since the beginning of the lock downs, the gross domestic broke product of India around 6 percent. “Quite a lot longer, the country no longer holds this state,” says Rimmele. to master

the balancing act between economic openness and the protection of health, the country therefore to be a Federal System. Where the infection numbers continue to rise, to enforce the lock States continued strict output. imago images/Hindustan Times On the first day of the relaxations on the 19. May drive people into the streets of Delhi with a Rickshaw.

loosening, since the 19th century. May only in less affected regions of the country. India therefore is in a Semi-Lockdown. The railway traffic was resumed, buses and taxis are back on the road. In some States, small shops and local markets have re-opened. Just in the million cities, the Numbers are increasing rapidly. The port city of Mumbai was announced only today, 1382 new Covid cases.

Meanwhile, the Corona-infections double in India, all of 13 days, while the number of daily new infections last on over 5,000 rise. One reason for this is likely to be the increase in the number of conducted Corona Tests. Since the beginning of the crisis at the end of March, India has increased its testing capacity to 100,000 Tests per day.

government took advantage of downtime to prepare for the worst

Previously, the government had used the standstill of public life to the public health system went as well as it on the forthcoming rise prepare figures of the case, according to KAS staff Rimmele. So, for example, set up an air bridge to China, the several tons of protective equipment and testing equipment have been brought Kits into the country. Nevertheless, the Situation remains tense. As the British “BBC” reported, the country has only 48,000 of ventilators; how many of them are operational, nobody knows exactly. imago images/Hindustan Times In New Delhi, the roads sprayed the fire disinfectants

Whether that’s enough, however, to be in front of the rising Covid-19-Figures prepared, it remains to be seen. The case numbers in the country will very likely continue to rise, is also convinced of the KAS staff Rimmele.

India: Corona hits migrant workers hardest –

during the Lockdown, another Problem revealed itself in India’s society. “Around 90% of employees work in the informal sector,” says KAS staff Rimmele. What reads at first as a sober economic indicator, especially in times of Corona, sometimes dramatic, consequences.

Because people do not have a contract of employment, you will also have no security or rights, if the economy comes within a few days to a Standstill, as on Delhi construction sites. “The city is full of them,” says Rimmele. But has not worked there for a few weeks. With the Lockdown, the existential Need for hundreds of thousands of migrant workers that were used from one day to the next came. imago images/Hindustan Times Stranded migrant workers in India’s capital, New Delhi

As the train and buses stood still, took a lot of lack of perspective and due to the now unaffordable Rents in the cities to walk in the direction of their home villages and beached often on half-way. The attempt by the government to supply the workers in refugee camps, have only helped to a limited, says Rimmele.

Nobel peace prize winner about the fight against child labour in Corona-times

From the helplessness of the migrant workers, the Nobel peace prize winner and children’s reported rights activist Kailash Satyarthi on the “Changemakers United Online Global Summit” of the Non-Profit organization “Ashoka”. A young girl had made the 150-kilometre-long walk home from your place of work at a chilli Farm in their village and had died a few kilometers before the arrival of exhaustion, says Satyarthi. The case caused consternation in India. dpa/Money Sharma Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi in his office in New Delhi interviewed by reporters.

the consequences of The corona of a crisis meeting here unchecked on the social inequalities in India: in the case of the children’s work. According to information provided by “Unicef” in India, more than 10 million children between 5 and 14 years work. The fight against the exploitation of Minors Satyarthi and his organization do not give up, but also in times of Corona: on the contrary.

Indeed, the crisis offers all people a Chance to protect children from their fate. “On the Basis of our previous experience, we often know already, in what regions children are forced to work. Because the operators of the company are fled because of the crisis, we can free the children easier“, describes Satyarthi for his delicate work.

India: solidarity in the Slums

Even if the corona crisis in India meets a large part of the Poorest and for great Not provides, not running all wrong on the subcontinent. Anyone who listens to the Nobel laureate, learns quite Inspiring. So he and his organization are to inform, for example, in the Indian Slums on protective measures against the Virus and explain to the people how to make your own masks can sew. “What we can teach just a few people, will then be given to the many residents of the poorer neighbourhoods,“ says Satyarthi.

The solidarity among the people in the Indian Slums seem so, even in times of Corona stand. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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