It was described as an extremely bestial act, where the victim had not had many chances to defend himself.

In each case supported the horrifying sight of the scene of the crime, a theory that ‘Vampyrkvinden’ relatively gratuitous had attacked his victim. His 24-year-old friend and roommate.

the Tub was covered in blood, and on the floor lay the man. Lifeless and pierced with several stabs in halsregionen and on the body.

In all, spoke retsmedicinerne 25 damage, where more was applied directly in the heart and in the lungs.

This writes the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

The 22-year-old woman – who later was dubbed the “Vampyrkvinden” in the Swedish press, because she had posed in vampyrkostume with knives in his hands and bloody lips – called immediately after the murder to his father.

He then alerted the police, and the young woman was arrested.

So the evening in three glimpse

In a subsequent trial maintained the woman, that she could not remember the evening coherent, but only saw it in glimpses.

She remembered how she had been afraid for his roommate who she said was intoxicated that night.

At a time, she had heard how he weird with some knives in køkkenskuffen, and here she had been a panikfyldt instinct that he would kill her.

Then played the rest of the evening according to the woman in three bursts.

In the first she saw how his friend raised his arm against her.

In the second she got a glimpse of her standing in the bathroom and held the knife in a grip that was ready to chop.

And in the last she even put the knife in the sink and call his father.

Sentenced to behandlingsdom

the Court found it not proven that she had had amnesia and neither been in any kind of emergency.

The 22-year-old woman was convicted of murder, and because the doctors found that she suffered from a severe mental disorder, she was sentenced to a behandlingsdom.

In July of this year, it was ten years ago, that the murder took place, and Förvaltningsrätten I Stockholm has just decided that the treatment should cease.

the Woman has served his punishment and is once again free.

The chief physician who has requested the printing of the woman, announced in the context, that she neither has shown any sign of angry outbursts or dramatic and impulsstyrede actions.

“She has a stable living situation and living with her boyfriend and pets in a house,” says, among others, in the arguments of the superintendent.