anyone Who is in search of an intelligent, social and playful small animal, you could try it with rats. Certainly not for everyone, but the small animals promise a lot of variety.

Düsseldorf (dpa/tmn) – you Can play with rats to Hide? The researchers found the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU). About results of a corresponding study by 2019, the animal physiologists, the industrial Association for pet supplies (IVH) have been reported.

Accordingly, the small Pets seem to be able to learn very quickly that the human-animal-Version of the game of Hide and seek and can easily switch between the two roles – Hide – and-Seek -. The opened rat holders all-new ways to deal with their animals.

Tickling feels the rat as a reward

For the Tests was put the rat in a box. The lid it came, they hid themselves. As soon as the lid opens by remote control, began to search for the rat. She had found the Person she was tickled as a reward, a little – what rats appear to be very like.

Vice versa, the game works. Without a lid on the box, the rat does the Job of hiding. As soon as she was found, there was a Tickle as a reward. The rats learned the game quickly and developed both in the Hide as well as, when you are Looking for sophisticated strategies. You quiekten downright joy, if they had found their Person. If you find yourself hidden, they were, however, very quiet.

The researchers encourage the rat holder and those who want to be, to try the playful approach in a quiet home. This contributes to strengthening the bond between the intelligent small animals, and to the holder.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200625-99-565448/2

Link to the study

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