Perpetrator from the London Bridge was on parole. Now the rules must be subject to scrutiny.

The 28-year-old man who on Friday killed two and wounded three during an apparent islamist attack at London Bridge, was released on parole.

The british deputy interior minister, Brandon Lewis, said that the police during the investigation will look at whether it should give rise to change the rules for parole.

the Offender Usman Khan was released on parole after a terrordom, but with the requirement that he wear an electronic fodlænke.

It is not indicated whether fodlænken was still a condition, when he on Friday afternoon carried out its nefarious design. He was in 2012 convicted of terrorist activities.

– There illegal bahis are some conditions, which are imposed on people in this situation, and one of the things that the police will look at is the conditions – as part of the investigation, says Lewis to the BBC.

the Head of the police unit to combat terror, Neil Basu, says it will be key in the investigation, what Khan has made since his release on parole.

He was released on parole from prison in december 2018, and it is clear that the most important thing in the investigation is going to be, how he reached forward to perform this attack, says Neil Basu, according to dpa.

There is no other wanted in connection with knivangrebet at London Bridge.

Usman Khan had turned up in the historical building, the Fishmongers’ Hall, which is located on the bridge’s north side. Here he pulled out a knife and began to stab people down, before he fled on the bridge.

Here he was overpowered by the citizens, before a cop shot and killed him.
