At the beginning of the week, Mandy Brobeck and Oskar Ogorkiewicz reported with good news: the influencer couple announced the renewed pregnancy. But only a few days later, the sad news follows that the baby wish doesn’t work out for the time being. “We lost our embryo,” share the influencers known as Healthy Mandy and Fitness Oscar on Instagram.

Mandy and Oskar’s story of suffering occupies many followers on social media. Last summer, her first baby, Rio, was born with a serious genetic defect. Despite all medical efforts, Rio died four months ago. They openly shared their grief on social channels.

However, the couple did not give up their desire to have a baby. With the help of a specialized fertility clinic in Istanbul, Mandy and Oskar started a new attempt using artificial insemination. After inserting the embryo, Mandy initially had a positive pregnancy test. But the blood test now showed that the pregnancy was unsuccessful.

In an Instagram story, the two give insights into their emotional world. “Sometimes you wonder if you’re going to do this by hook or by crook, but have you ever wished you’d do anything for something so badly?” asks Mandy.

All of this takes a lot of strength, but Mandy and Oskar still want to try artificial insemination again. The couple has already flown back to Istanbul for the next treatment. “We mourn and allow the mourning, it will always be a part of us, but we just don’t want to give up,” says Mandy.

The very public handling of the subject of the desire to have children and grief also causes critical comments on the Internet. Some find the behavior inappropriate. The couple also gets a lot of encouragement in the comments.