the History should not be rewritten just because of the disputes, says Tennis Australia on the celebration of Margaret Court.

the Australian Open in 2020 will celebrate the tennislegenden Margaret Court, despite disagreements between the tournament and the Court, among other things, has been severely criticized for statements about homosexuals.

It must notify the australian tennis federation.

the Celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the australian Court in 1970 won all four grand slam titles in the course of a calendar year, a feat that ranks among the sport’s allersværeste.

Margaret Court has, among others, have spoken negatively about the homovielser and said that “tennis is full of lesbian”.

in Addition have Margaret Court, who today is pastor of a church, stated that transgender children are a result of a nazilignende plot to brainwash young people.

the Court has not set foot at the facility in Melbourne since 2017, where she was the subject of fierce criticism up to an australian referendum on gay marriages.

But earlier this month said the Court, that she would like to have its feat in the 1970 celebrated with the same respect as the male australian tennis player Rod Laver, when he in 2019 was acclaimed for his four grand slam titles in 1969.

And it won the australian tennis federation therefore like.

the federation has therefore planned a number of events, as you will not try to redo the story in spite of the inconsistencies:

– As we have often made clear, is Tennis Australia (the australian tennis federation, ed.) not agree with margaret’s personal views, which have panned and hurt many in our community over a number of years, writes associated in a press release.

In the message says the Court in turn that she is looking forward to celebrate the 50th anniversary with “family and friends”, and that she is looking forward to again to speak with “other legends”.

Australia legalized in 2017 marriages between homosexuals, after that 61,6 percent in a referendum had voted for.

the Court has several times been in vogue for its positions.

It was she, among other things last year, where a second tennislegende, american Billie Jean King said that Margaret Court Arena, which is Aresbet one of the Australian Opens, three large tennisarenaer, should be renamed.
