Like every year, Americans celebrated their Independence Day on July 4, 2023 – with fireworks, parades and, last but not least, patriotic Instagram posts. This year again at the forefront: Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger (75).

In a highly acclaimed social media post, the Hollywood Terminator sported a head-to-toe robe in the “Stars and Stripes” of the American flag, holding hands with a life-size, roaring bronze bear. He commented: “Happy 4th of July! I was born in Austria but I’m Made in America. Consider this the official reminder: put your phone away, turn off social media, get outside, have a BBQ and hang out with friends and family.”

Schwarzenegger was born in Styria in 1947, emigrated to the USA in 1968 and has held US citizenship in addition to Austrian citizenship since 1983. From 2003 to 2011, the self-confessed patriot served his second homeland as governor of California.