scientists are under the direction of a team of the University of Oxford had to be administered for the study, the widely available anti-inflammatory Steroid drug for ten days, more than 2000 with the Coronavirus-infected patients. Accordingly, dexamethasone reduced the mortality rate of the ventilator-dependent patient is 35 percent. For patients with only oxygen were administered, reduced the mortality rate by a fifth. In patients with a milder disease course of dexamethasone, however, showed no effect.

Detailed Reviews of the clinical trial have not been published yet. Although the data are preliminary, are celebrating the findings of the British government-financed study, however, “a reason,” said Tedros.

The demand for dexamethasone had already risen. Fortunately, it was a cheap drug that will produced around the world in many places. He was therefore confident, that could speed up the production.

The Federal Ministry of health saw that, in spite of from the researcher’s point of view, positive study results last week still no reason to stockpile the drug. First, the study should be examined, said a Ministry spokesman. He referred to the fact that the study is currently “not yet published”.

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